Chapter 16

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When we got back to the house, Heidi was trailing around behind me as I made some green tea and then sat out on one of the back decks near the infinity pool to look out over the ocean. It was lit by a half moon, and just so peaceful with the surf crashing down below, and I had to thank my grandparents for buying this place before they passed away. It was almost 9,000 square feet, with five bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. It would have been perfect for the parties and guests that I never had.

But the best part was that there was an additional 5,000 square feet of outdoor space that was usable. From an outdoor bar and grill to the amazing pool and then nice decks on every level. Honestly, it felt useless to waste all this space on the two of us. Maybe by the summer, Syd and her family would be here swimming though, and that would make things livelier. Hey, I could dream!

For now, though, it was just the two of us. And that was fine. My parents were coming in the morning, and I didn't care. I wasn't stressed. I'd almost had a pipe shoved through my skull, and no that is not a sex joke thanks! I could handle anything.

Heidi sat down next to me on a lounge chair, taking a sip of some sort of a drink in a tumbler. Rum? Whiskey? I had no idea. "Are you holding up, okay?" she asked after a moment.

"I am. I'm really good right now," I assured her. There was a warm ocean breeze that was ruffling my new hair, and I liked the feel of it on the shaved side of my head. Everything felt so good right now after being in the hospital for almost a month. "I need to think of a few things to do for the next month though, or I'm going to to to live at that hospital just to try to get a glimpse of Syd."

Heidi nodded slowly. "We can get you back into shape. No kickboxing obviously, but cardio for sure. You have been laying on your ass for weeks and you'll want to have stamina for that new girl." She threw a little smirk over at me, but she was right. The last thing I needed was for me to run out of energy too early!

"A lot of running?" I suggested.

"Yep. Running, punching bags, laps in the pool, we'll get you back in shape," she promised.

"Emilia keeping you in shape?"

She snorted in laughter. "That woman is a damned saint. The kids at your school are real assholes, and she has to put up with them all day. How she hasn't snapped and buried one on the football field I have no idea."

"So, she can put up with you then?"

"Yeah, she can. And she does. She really is great. It would have been pretty boring around here with you stuck in the hospital without her. But she helped keep my spirits up."

Now it was my turn to snort. "Keep your spirits up? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" I know, I'm one of those kids, but I know that Heidi was happy right now, and that was what mattered.

We spent another hour outside, just enjoying the view before we retired to our respective bedrooms. She has a bedroom on the ground floor so she is two floors removed from me and can't wake me up if Emilia comes to visit. I have the top floor to myself, though there is another bedroom there if needed, and the last two on the middle floor. I brushed my teeth, and then curled up in bed, my head happily resting on my butt shaped pillow. Yes, I have one, and yes, I love it. No judging!

I'd love to say that I woke up to the smell of bacon, but being on the third floor, I was too far away to get that, even if there was some being cooked. Unfortunately, there wasn't! But I did have a restful sleep, waking up at 10am, with two more hours until the arrival of my parents. I was assuming there would be someone, or multiple someone's, with them. Heidi was still sleeping, so I started to make some coffee, and had a couple pieces of cinnamon raisin toast to start the morning. I was eating light, because my parents were foolishly expecting us to have lunch ready for them. I wasn't inept in the kitchen. I always felt guilty with Heidi cooking so much, so I'd had her show me a few things. I was much better on the grill though. So, raisin toast was it this morning. I'm a damned pro.

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