Chapter 24

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We lay together on that little blanket, surrounded by the dark but in our own circle of light for hours, just reveling in our newly expressed love. We came very close to doing things that I was pretty sure we were supposed to wait for the third date to do, but every time my hand crept up under that pretty sundress, I was able to just tease and remove it again.

I had plans, you see, and our first time being on a golf course wasn't a part of that. Besides, we could always come back another day!

But we finally did pack everything up and then take the golf cart back to the clubhouse before I took Sydney back to my house where we once more said goodnight before she drove away. It was even more bittersweet now, in that we knew that we loved each other, and yet she was leaving again. I know, we had a long road ahead of us before I could meet her kids, but once graduation was over, we could spend all summer together. Hell, I could have the kids over for pool parties all day and we'd have dinner ready when she got home.

Was I romanticizing that a bit? Yeah, of course. But it was still a great fantasy.

I slept well. Just knowing she loved me put my brain in a wonderful state of mind. Before Syd, only Heidi loved me. That was pretty much it. My parents might say they did if you asked them, but they didn't really understand what love was. But Syd, her love meant so much more. Her love meant a potential future with a woman that wanted to be with me and grow old as we raised kids together and made each other blissfully happy as often as possible.

That was new. I'd never had that kind of love, and I really wanted more of it. Which was good timing, because the next day was the third date! I'd never planned a 'sex date' before. It just kind of happened in the past, and I wasn't sure exactly what I was supposed to do. But I did plan the things that I thought would make Syd feel excited, safe, and relaxed all at the same time.

My room was now decorated with fairy lights and scented candles. My phone had a romantic playlist set up to play with the touch of a button, and the outside deck had the fire pit loaded up with wood and ready to go. My plan was to cook a nice steak dinner on the outside grill, then bring her upstairs to my bedroom where we could finally give in to our desire. The deck and the fire pit would be perfect for snuggling later too.

Heidi had made herself scarce, taking Emilia out and they planned on spending the night at her place where Heidi was going to be asking her to move in with us. In theory, that would be the last night that Emilia spent there, because I knew Heidi would want her living with us as soon as possible.

Just after 3pm, the doorbell rang, which startled me out of a little nap that I'd taken in the living room. I wasn't expecting Sydney till 5pm, and nobody else should be coming here that I know of. Oh, damn, please don't let it be my parents coming back!

I hurried over to the front door and opened it to see the dimpled smile and bright blue eyes of Sydney gazing back at me. She was wearing a dark blue sundress today that had little yellow sunflowers all over it, and really made her eyes pop. Her hair was in loose waves cascading over her shoulders, and she looked glorious. I was so glad she'd come early.

"Hey! You're early!" I said with a happy smile.

"I couldn't wait any longer," she admitted, walking inside, and dropping a little overnight bag on the floor before wrapping her arms around me. "I would have come earlier if I dared. I couldn't really tell the kids I have to leave early so I can go have sex!"

"Do they know what is happening?" I wondered.

"They know I'm seeing someone new. I told them I'd introduce them if things go well, but there is no rush. School is almost to finals, and then graduation, throwing our relationship into the mix can wait." She looked up into my eyes and then bit her lower lip. "But I can't wait."

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