I chuckle and we all get inside up to our rooms. Except of course Pierce who was by the pool with two girls.


I walk out the bathroom drying my hair in a towel. I changed into some Jean shorts and a tank top.

A knock on the door gets my attention. "Come in!" I call back.

"Hey Alex." Dolph says. "How you feeling?"

"Oh hey." I answer a smile forming on my face. "I'm fine. I might have some nightmares about the food there though."

He chuckle softly. He sits down on the end of the bed and I go over joining him. He seemed to have something on his mind and his body was tense.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's just, everything that's been going on. It's really hectic." He says.

"Tell me about it. I didn't expect things to go down like that Friday." I sigh.

"Yeah..."He says looking off.

I sit there looking at him and he grabs my hand gently rubbing my knuckles.

"I'm just gonna tell you straight up. I slept with someone Friday night." He says quickly.

I stare at him blankly.

"Aren't you gonna say something. Get mad or sad or something." He says wearily.

"You want me to be mad or sad about it?"

"No but can you say something?" He asks.

"Dolph it's fine." I say making him confused.

"You're still single, so am I, we aren't a thing and to be honest it kind of makes us even cause I did too, but then it was interrupted and a fight broke loose and all that- but your fine, your single and I can't stop you from dating who you want." I tell him after straying away from the point.

"Wow. This is not how I saw this going- well that's great. And since we're talking about it. I wanna apologize for the first time when I yelled at you infront everyone. I was hurt and I hurt you back purposefully. I thought I could get something out of it but the only thing I wounded up feeling like was an asshole." He tells me.

"Dolph honestly it's okay, miscommunications happens, we're talking right now to be on the same page right?" I say to which he nods.

"Exactly and I did agree to give you a second chance and this time we can take it slow and steady." I tell him.

"Right." He nods.

"....I can still kiss you right?"

"Sure." I laugh and lean in.


I walk out the bathroom after my shower and head to the kitchen, Brian, Tej, Roman (Reigns) and Letty were talking in the living room, Dean and Dom laughing about something and I'm sure Roman is still at the pool.

There was some music playing on the radio and beers on the counter with food. I look around at everyone and for once it felt normal. As wrestlers to begin with we don't have normal lives but right now it felt like a bunch of people at a get together having a good time. It's refreshing considering the night we all had.

I look out the window at the balcony where Amber was, her back turned to me.

I pick up two beers and walk outside to meet her.

"Its beautiful isn't it?" I say making my presence known looking out at the view of the city.

"Yeah, it's peaceful up here. Especially since we're so high up that you can't hear the traffic." She responds.

No Authority [Alexis McMahon]Where stories live. Discover now