13. Everyone needs help

Start from the beginning

I buttered bread and put on meat, and Jamie was in charge of cheese sprinkling and forming the sandwiches. Kneeling up on their chair, tongue a little bit stuck out, Jamie was fully concentrated.

Everything was tranquil for a second. Cooking with jamie was always fun. It made me feel so parental. It reminded me that the real Jamie was still in there, at these times where there was nothing to be scared of, Jamie shone through.

Especially as they smiled proudly at their work. They looked to me to say they were cheesed to perfection.

So with the two sandwiches made and ready to be toasted, I turned on the cooker and melted a bit of butter in the pan.

I went for jamie's first, carefully placing it the hot pan. The cheese just about spilling out the sides.

Jamie watched over my shoulder as their toastie sizzled in the pan. I began to notice the way Jamie leaned on me, not commenting as to ruin it, just cherishing the little action.

"Flip it now!"
Jamie exclaimed and I did as instructed, Jamie very happily slapping my arm and shouting "Yes!"

The flipped side had turned a perfect golden brown.
"It almost creepy how good at this you are jam"
Jamie laughed and we continued frying the toastie together till it was evenly done.

'"Ok- onto the plate"
I commented as I slide the melty butter toastie to a pre-set out plate.
"You go on and start eating, what do you want to drink?"
I put the plate down at jamies normal spot, them scampering after it.
"Can I have juice?"
"But of course"

I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and filled up a lidded travel mug with some, setting it in front of Jamie.

They pouted a little but didn't complain.

Jamie dug right in as I started frying up mine.
"Oh I don't think my is gonna be nearly as perfectly browned without you jamie"
I complained, Jamie laughing.

Jamie ate the entire thing before mine was even done, their quick eating habits nearly making them choke. I'd have to figure out something to slow them down.

"Yeah bambi?"
I replied as he shimmied the pan. They took a second, before asking.
"Do you know anything about Ben yet"
I stopped my shimmies, turning the cooker low and facing Jamie. They needed my full attention right now.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I haven't been able to look into Ben yet."
I'd been busy the last couple days, caring for Jamie. They now looked to me with hope leaving their eyes.

They sniffled, just a small one, but I knew with Jamie, it would snowball together quickly.

In my best attempt to stop the impending meltdown, I properly switched off the cooker and walked over to the shaking little one.

I sat down next to them, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder and gently guiding them to look at me.

And while I hadn't intended it, forces must've been on my side, Jamie hugged me. I felt my heart fluter as they cried softly into my jumper. I rubbed their back.
"It's ok bambi. It's alright"
Sadly the moment, was just that, merely a moment.

Jamie suddenly pushed away from me, wiping at their tears angrily.
"But it's not! What about Ben? I wanna know if he's ok!"
Jamie started to yell a bit and I let them, just letting them get their emotions out.
"Ok Jamie that's completely fair-"

I stumbled a bit, trying to find the right thing to say. I took a breath.
"Do you want me to go find out.. how's bens doing?"
Jamie nodded, but with the tears brimming at their eyes, i started second guessing the idea of leaving.

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