-The Coal Mine-

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Silver Lake, 2034

I acted quickly, beckoning for David to help me move a shelf in front of the door. It wouldn't keep them out forever, but it would slow them down. Runners were reaching their arms through the boarded windows. Clawing at the wood, trying to pry it off.

"No matter what, we have to keep them out," the older man shouts over all the noise.

"Yeah, no shit!" I retort, aiming the rifle at the head of one and pulling the trigger.

I covered the front while David covered the back. We were completely surrounded. I was running low on ammo, so I imagined David had to be as well. Reloading the rifle was taking too long in between shots and they were starting to get in. I slung the gun over my shoulder and took out my pistol.

"There's too many!" Panic ensued when I started to hear clicking. "We can't stay here!" Three or four started to pile through one window, and there were more coming.

Gunfire ceases behind me and David growls with frustration. "C'mon, this way." Off to the side, there was a door with boards nailed to the outside. Made me wonder what they were trying to keep out, or in. While David worked on getting us through the door, I continued to hold back the horde.

"I got it, let's go!" I backed up through the archway and once I was cleared through, David knocked a locker over to block their path. "Follow me. Through here," he said through heavy breaths.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked as we climbed a set of stairs.

He shakes his head, glancing over his shoulder. "I've never stepped foot in this place." He pushes open a set of double doors to what looked like a factory.

"Oh, great," I replied sarcastically.

His head whipped both ways before entering the room. "It's clear. This way." He waves me up another set of stairs. "How you holdin' up?"

"You don't need to worry about me," I answered flatly. Jesus, I was starting to sound like Joel. Not that his guy necessarily deserved me being nice. Not when he looked at me like that.

He clears his throat awkwardly, "Alright, then."

The metal makes an awful noise as we walk across it. Most of it was rusted and falling apart. It didn't help that a lot of snow had blown in since most of these windows were broken and there were holes in the ceiling. We did a little hop over some fallen air ducts crossing into the other side of the room. Still had no idea where we were going, pretty soon we'd be moving in a circle. The coal mine was big, but I don't think it was big enough to outrun a horde.

The walkway had given away, so we had to jump back down to the base level and did our best to move in one direction. There was a door, but it was up on the second story. I turned around to David. "Do you think you can boost me up?"

He noticed the door, then raised his brow as he gauged the height. He sent me a questioning gaze, asking, "Do you think you can pull me up?"

I huffed a laugh, then spoke with a condescending tone, "I've lifted heavier." Joel had to be twice his size.

A hint of a smile reaches his lips. "Whatever you say, darlin'."

The sudden use of the pet name makes me cringe. I hated the way it rolled off his tongue, and I had to physically restrain myself from punching him in the face.

He stands under the ledge and cups his hands together. I use his shoulders for balance and place my boot in his hands. I do a small jump for a small extra boost and grab onto the edge. He helps by pushing up my legs and I'm able to pull myself up.

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