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Pittsburgh, 2033

My head throbbed profusely causing a deep groan to rise from my throat. I blink a few times, and subconsciously bring my fingers to my temple. I winced when they meet the tender spot on my head, and when I inspect my fingertips, I see they're covered in blood. Awesome.

"I'm okay, I'm okay..." Ellie chanted in the back seat, and I tried convincing myself the same.

"Then get out quick," Joel said.

I reached for my bag at my feet, but the fast movement made my vision go black, "Shit." I curse under my breath. My eyes fall closed, and I brace myself on the dashboard—don't pass out, don't pass out.

"Ruth?" I felt a large hand on my upper back.

"I'm fine," I answer quickly, and the dizzy spell starts to pass. Without really moving from my position, I start to feel around for the door handle while my other hand unfastens my seatbelt. That's when I hear an unfamiliar voice talking into the backseat.

"C'mere, you."

Ellie screams out, "Let go of me, you chickenshit! Ruth! Joel!"

My heart jumps in panic hearing her in distress and a switch goes off in my head. I get a grasp on the handle and yank on it, the door swings open but I was still struggling to seeing straight. The world was spinning, A gunshot goes off behind me, and my ear starts to ring. I shake my head—what the hell is going on?

I step out only to lose my balance and fall onto all fours, "Ellie..." I mumble, reminding myself she needs my help. She needs me. "Ellie?!" I shout, needing to hear her voice, "Ellie?!" Now my heart is pounding—get your shit together, Ruth.

I start to stand as fast as I can, but it wasn't fast enough. A heavy force smacks into my back, causing me to fall onto my stomach. The air had been stolen from my lungs as I hit the floor, and I struggled recatching my breath. Against my will, I'm flipped to my back, and a weight sits onto my hips.

I come face to face with a man. Bald, middle-aged, yellow teeth—a fucking creep. He pins down my wrists, and I squirm underneath him. A menacing smile stretches across his face, and he leans down a little closer, "You're a pretty looking thing." The tip of his nose drags along my neck, and my skin crawls. Then his grimy fingers begin pushing up the hem of my shirt, trailing up my belly. His warm breath tickles my ear, "I think I'd like to show you a good time..."

Fuck this.

Gritting my teeth, I bring my knee to his groin. He shoots up grabbing his crotch in pain, freeing up my wrist. I clench my fist and land a right hook to his chin, then shove him off of me. While he cries, I get onto my feet, simultaneously taking out my gun from my holster. I loom over him all balled up on the ground, and frown mockingly, "Not very nice, is it?" I aim the gun at his head, but my finger hovers over the trigger. I've never shot another person. First time I came close was two days ago when I pulled my gun on Logan. These aren't good people, Ruth. Just do it.

It fires off with a bang, and his body goes limp. Shake it off.

My head was pounding, and my back hurt like a bitch, but I ignore that and start scanning the store for my niece. Panic sets when I don't see her, "Ellie? Ellie?!"

"I'm right here!" Auburn hair peeks out above a destroyed aisle, and my hand comes to my chest as I let out a relieved sigh. I step over rubble to make my way to her, while she runs into me full force wrapping her arms around my waist. I return the hug, laying my cheek on top of her head.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She pulls away, and I get a good look at her face. Not a scratch on her. I cup her cheek and drag my thumb across her cheekbone lovingly.

𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 : 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now