8 • Hospital

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Mishti :

It was around 2.00 PM. I was done with all my college works. Now I was waiting for Sam near the gate.. She came to me without taking her stuffs, “ I have some works to finish, it will take time,” she informed..

“Umm okay! I will wait for you,” I said but she denied.. “No! You should go, It will take more than two hours to finish all my works ” she protested.. I was feeling sleepy too so I agreed and she left..

I was just about to go , a car came in a full speed and stopped just in front of me. I closed my eyes in fear, my heart was just about explode. I kept my hand on my chest and sighed..

I knocked on the front window of the car, “Who the hell drive like this?” I roared at the driver . My anger reached peak level when I noticed it was Abir. He was looking totally carefree like nothing happened here. I glared at him..

“Where is my sister?” he asked raising his eyebrows. “She will be late,” saying I started walking on my way to get a taxi..

“Come, I will drop you then,” he shouted from my back..

“No need of that, I can go by myself,” I shouted back without looking at him..

To my luck I got a taxi and left..


It was evening .. I was lying on my sofa thinking about my family.. Today Mom and Chachi came to my house.. She was sorry for whatever happened that day..

From her I got to know that Rashi bhabi and Aarav bhai were childhood friends. Bhabi had no one in her family expect her father.. Two years before her father was diagnosed with cancer.. He was in last stage of cancer..

So he wanted bhabi to get married before anything happen to him.. Mom was their at that time.. She couldn't deny him as he had supported our family before so many time and the situation was like that..

And they both got married in a church. Uncle passed away after an week. Bhai was not ready for the marriage but now he's happy. Chacha and chachi were not present in their wedding, they just knew about it..

Mom didn't tell me anything because she didn't feel like to tell me as my brother and I were not in touch from last 14 years ..

I sighed..  This mess ain't gonna clear..

"Hey! Mishti,"

I got startled as Sam jumped from no where.. "You scared me. " She adjusted herself in a couch and chuckled..

"You were in a deep think, what's going on inside your head ?" she started interrogating. "I have to go to Delhi to submit some papers, so just thinking about that," I lied but it was true too.

"Bhai went to Delhi just today only, why don't you send those documents in whatsapp through pdf format," She suggested..

Of course I had the pdf in my phone but I didn't know whether I need to submit original papers or xerox.. So I called  Principal and she said no need of original papers..

So I sent the pdf to Sam , "Wait! Which bhai?" I asked her.. "Abir bhai," she replied.. I sighed..

"I have sent him the pdf, but make sure you will remind him tomorrow. He is coming tomorrow only. And yes I have sent his number to you," she informed, I nodded..

Later we both went for a evening walk and I did my dinner in her house .. After that I came to my home and slept.. Not before talking with my Mom.. Today she didn't say anything related to bhai, so I was happy throughout the call..

(Next day)

Sam had informed me that Abir's flight was at 3.00PM.. And it was 1.30 PM now.. I was calling him from last one hour but he's not picking up my calls..

INTERTWINED FATE ~ A MishBir saga Where stories live. Discover now