64 • Together

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Mishti :)

I was constantly moving back and forth in my room.. My mind was blasting in so many thoughts.. It's already 9:00 pm.. Yesterday we both got stuck in forest.. I slept in his arms, I was expecting that everything will fall into place once we will talk.. I wanted to tell what I felt that day, how worse everything was for me.. But when I woke up I found myself in this dumbass room, I mean I was in my room.. He being the gentleman didn't bother to wake me up and took me here..

The girl with whom he went on a date, had told him to meet him today that too all alone.. I know Abir will do nothing but in first place why the hell will they even meet? I can't just go and ruin everything.. Wait! I am not the one who will ruin anything.. He is mine! I am not going to let him go.. I hit the pillow on the wall in anger.. I myself ruined everything so I can't even control anything.. In evening I went with Mom to one of our relatives house.. So I could not talk with him.. And now my family had planned a late night movie plan, after that they will go to Agarwal mansion.. It's been so long they haven't visited that house.. And the worst thing is they are dragging me with themselves.. But I don't want to go..

I am still in my saree, haven't changed after coming from my relatives house.. "You got ready? " Mom asked but then noticed me.. I was already looking tired and frustrated so I didn't need more effort to look sick.. "Actually, I don't know but my head is spinning.. I need some rest.. I don't think I can even watch a movie , " I said dramatically and sat on my bed holding my head..

"Okay then! I will stay with you, " Mom said in concern, I got up hurriedly.. "No way! " due to my loud voice she got startled.. "I mean no way you are going to miss all the fun because of me.. You are working all day, you don't even get the proper time to rest .. Don't worry I will go to the Agarwal mansion tomorrow, " I tried to make her understand.. She was constantly denying it, it took me more than half an hour to make her understand.. Everyone finally left .. I took a breath of relief.. Without wasting a second I locked the main door of my house and headed towards Rajvansh house.. In a hurry I forgot to bring my phone with me..

As always the guard let me go inside.. As it was nearly 10:00 , everyone was probably at home.. Without making any noise I headed towards the back house.. Who knew one day I will do this type of stunt? The door was open to my luck, otherwise it would have been difficult for me to go inside.. I closed the door, the hallway was empty..

Taking slow and silent steps I went to the first floor.. Only a single room's door was opened, I went near it.. I glanced at my watch , it's already 10:15 pm.. There was complete silence in the room, but a light was on.. I entered inside and found no one there so took a breath of relief.. I was about to go but seeing all the decorations I could not move.. My blood was boiling in anger.. Abir literally did all this for her? For a girl who he doesn't even know properly?

I entered inside.. Abir's phone was ringing which was on bed.. But when I reached near the bed, someone opened the bathroom door.. I turned around hurriedly and closed my eyes.. "Samriddhi ! You are too late girl, " Abir said, I squeezed my eyes in anger.. He is addressing her saying girl? Huh!

Wait just because I have wrapped a shawl around me that doesn't mean he won't recognize me... But hearing him it didn't feel like he recognized me.. Even we both are of same height and our hairs are almost similar.. Still it doesn't make sense that Abir Rajvansh didn't recognize His Mishti by seeing her back.. I swear I will kill him..

Hearing his footsteps my heartbeat became rapid.. I clutched my shawl tightly.. "You know I am waiting for you from last one hour, " he muttered placing his chin on my shoulder.. I titled my head to another side, he slowly removed the shawl and pressed my body against his, his one hand was wrapped around my body and another was around my chest.. Don't tell me he couldn't even sense my touch or cologne.. He could have moved on from me, but how can he forget me?

INTERTWINED FATE ~ A MishBir saga حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن