40 • A kiss that connects the soul

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Abir :)

Lowering my gaze I kept looking at the ground, my heart hammering against my chest.. Everything around me was moving unlike me.. Never I thought life will throw me into a situation like this.. One and other day, no matter what, truth will come out, goosebumps erected on my whole body just by imagining her reaction..

When I got to know everything about her, I just want to erase all this from my mind.. Why truth have to be this much bitter??

"Please Abir, promise me you won't tell her anything, " Mishti's chachi said helplessly, forwarding her palm towards me.. Some days ago I had promised Mishti to not hide anything from her, it's not like I tell her everything, but this! She deserves to know.. I kept staring at her chachi's palm, breaking Mishti's promise I can't promise here..

"I won't tell her, believe my words, " I said closing my eyes, gulping a huge lump.. My throat became dry.. All the energy in me had drained.. She pulled her hand back and kept it on her lap..

"But why did Mr Agarwal did this? When he didn't want to ? " I asked looking at her, her lips curved into a painful smile..

"4000 crore can make a greedy man do anything, " she mumbled, I let out a deep breath.. But what about her? They took her happiness from her.. The girl have no idea about a single thing of her life..

Already I am hiding the custody things from her, now how am I going to hide this?

"It's your goodluck that they informed me, if her mom would have known this then it would have not taken a second for her to snatch Mishti away from you.. But I trust you, I hope you will keep this things to you, " she muttered, a line has already created between us.. If Mishti will get to know that I hid it from her, she will not trust me ever again ..

Without saying anything I stood up, holding my car keys.. Chachi too got up, giving her a faint smile, I came out of the cafe.. When I got in car, her thoughts came to mind.. Shit! I messed up the whole thing.. I left her in the orphanage at this hour.. Hurriedly I called her number, after numbers of dialling she didn't pick it.. After knowing everything my mind went blank, so I just couldn't understand what to do ..

One part of me want to tell her everything,because she deserves to know about herself.. But another part of me is holding myself back from telling her, not because I promised her Chachi, I can't see her falling apart.. It took her years to gather herself, I can't break her by telling the truth..

I was a ray of sunshine in her life, but now I have to keep her in darkness..

I tracked Mishti's location and took a relief of breath knowing she have already reached.. I started my car's engine and drove it to her house..


She opened the door after I pressed her doorbell.. It's already 10:30 PM.. When my gaze met with her, a strange fear rushed down my spine.. Without saying anything she went inside, I followed her silently..

"Umm, how did you come? " I asked, she sat on a couch, leaning against a wall I stood their observing her expression..

"Why do you care, " she taunted, I pressed my forehead..

"I am sorry, " I apologized , it was hard for me to utter anything..

"Leave that, I need to say you something, " she said, I nodded.. That's when my phone started vibrating in my pocket.. I took it out and glanced at the screen, Aarav Agarwal.. God! I kept staring at my phone, not knowing whether to pick up or not..

"Are you even listening or not? " she said, I came out of my daze hearing her.. I nodded my head hurriedly, even though I haven't listened anything..

"It's too late, you sleep, we will talk tomorrow , " I said to her, she nodded without saying anything.. I came out of her house, wearing my shoes I left in my car.. After reaching my home, I called Aarav bhai ..

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