Chpt 3: A unfriendly reuinion, The Other Super Saiyan

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We return to Issei and Y/n who are walking out of the forest after their encounter with Zel and Rebecca. The two had made a plan to go back to the church where Y/n became a super saiyan to see if they could find anything about the pieces of Excalibur.

Issei: Do you think that we'll find anything there?

Y/n: Maybe, but I can't say forsure. After what Zel told us, if whoever is gathering those pieces manages to combine them together, then we're in for some major trouble.

Issei: You know, it feels weird, coming back to the place where Asia was killed and you became a super saiyan.

Y/n: I know what you mean. It brings back some not so nice memories.

As the two brothers are making their way to the church, a light spear suddenly impales the ground in front of them, making the two look up. Four fallen angels then appear in front of them.

Fallen 1: Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Fallen 2: Looks like some lost little devils.

Fallen 3: Hey, aren't those the two that Raynare told us about?

Y/n: You know Raynare?

Fallen 4: Sure do. She was a bit of a bitch, but god damn did she have a fuckable body!

Issei: I mean, he's not wrong.

Y/n: Didn't she kill you?

Issei: Well yeah, but that doesn't have anything to do with her tits!

Y/n: You are unbearable sometimes.*turns to the fallen*Look, we don't want to fight, just let us pass.

Fallen 1: Sorry can't do that. You see our boss is worried that you two might fuck up his plan.

Y/n: Which is?

Fallen 3: He's plan on starting another great war.

Issei: Another great war? How many were there?

Fallen 2: There's been 2 great wars so far, but all this peace is so boring.

Fallen 4: So our boss is planning on waging another one.

Issei: Like hell he is!

Y/n: We'll stop you and you boss. We won't let you start a war and hurt innocent people!

Fallen 1: Heh! I'd like to see you try.

Smirking, Y/n transforms into a super saiyan while Issei activates his boosted gear. Y/n rushes the first two fallen angels, while Issei goes after the other two. The first fallen angel swings their light spear at Y/n, but he jumps over it and kicks the fallen in the face, sending them back. The second fallen angel tries to sneak up behind Y/n and stab him, but he moves their hand aside and slams a ki ball in the face, knocking them out.

The third fallen swing his light spear down at Issei, but he catches it with his boosted gear. He then punches the fallen into the other one, knocking them both in the ground. He then charges and blasts the fallen angels with a dragon shot, taking them out. Y/n exits super saiyan and walks over to one of the fallen he knocked down. He grabs them by the collar and lifts them up.

Y/n: Who do you work for?

Fallen 1: Hehe*coughs*you have no idea who your up against.

Issei: Hey answer the question before I tear ya a new one!

Fallen 1: Even if I tell you, it won't change anything. You'll both be dead soon enough. See you in hell.

The fallen then creates a small light spear and stabs themselves with it, killing them. Y/n let's go of the fallen and they fall to the ground lifeless. Y/n release a heavy sigh as Issei puts a hand on his shoulder.

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