S1 Chpt 14 Finale: Our Final Trump Card

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As he opens his eyes, Y/n sees a bright light hanging above him. He turns his head over and sees a bandaged up Issei next to him. Y/n then remembers the events that accrued and tries to get up, but can't. Hearing all the noise, Asia comes into the room and sees Y/n awake.

Asia: Y/n! Your awake! Thank goodness!

Y/n: Asia? Where is everyone? Where's Rias?

Asia: Everyone is resting. They took a pretty good beating, but nothing to serious. The only ones who were really hurt were you and Issei. And as for Rias, well, she's with Riser.

Y/n: I have to get to her.

Y/n goes to stand up, but the pain in his body hurts so much.

Asia: Easy. Your still recovering from Riser's attack. I was lucky enough to heal you. Ms. Greyfia said that the Phenex flames burns down to the bone.

Y/n: Greyfia. W..Where is she? She can fix this right? She'll be able to fix this and Rias will be fine.

Asia: Y/n...

Y/n: Come on Asia, let's try to summon her.

Asia: Y/n...

Y/n: We have to get Rias back Asia.

Asia: Y/n just listen to me!

Y/n was taken aback. He's never heard Asia yell before.

Asia: Y/n, you need to rest. Your body is still recovering from the rating game.

Y/n: I can't rest. Not until I know Rias is safe.

Asia: Think Y/n. If Rias were here she would want you to rest and give your body time to heal.

Asia was right. He couldn't go up against Riser in the state he was in. Signing to himself, Y/n reluctantly agrees and lays back down.

-Time Skip-
It's been a couple days since the rating game and Y/n and Issei have fully recovered. Ever since they woke up, the two of them trained day in and day out, though Y/n trained harder. He felt like he failed Rias and needed to get stronger. While he was training, Asia kept visiting him and giving him food, but he didn't pay any mind. The only the thing on his mind was getting stronger so he could get Rias. His parents came by to convince not to train so much, but he didn't listen. One day during training, Grayfia came by to visit him.

Grayfia: Greeting Son Y/n.

Y/n:*punching air*It's nice to see you again Grayfia

Grayfia: I came by your home, but The Red Dragon Emperor told me your weren't there.

Y/n:*kicks air*Haven't been home in a while.

Grayfia: So I've heard. Could you please stop your training?

Y/n sighs and descends down to Grayfia's level.

Grayfia: I understand how you feel Son Y/n.

Y/n: How? How could you know what I feel? You don't know what it's like to me. Someone who can't even protect someone close to them.

Grayfia: He said the same thing.

Y/n:*turns to her*Who?

Grayfia: He was an old flame of mine. He was much like yourself. Willing to put his life on the line for others. Come sit, I'm going to tell you a little tale.

Grayfia went over to a nearby bench to sit down with Y/n following her.

Grayfia: When I was younger, my father had arranged a marriage with Lord Phenex.

Y/n: Wait, you and Riser's dad had to get married?!

Grayfia: Indeed. They had a arranged a marriage due to my high magical power and his Phenex flames. Much like Lady Rias, I wasn't so fond of the idea.

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