Chpt 9: What Does Love Mean To You

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After Y/n became a super saiyan and the death of Raynare, Rias had made revived Asia and made her a bishop. However, since Asia didn't have a place to stay, Rias allowed her to stay at the ORC for a little bit.

Issei: Hey you guys!

Issei and Y/n walk into the ORC only to step in front of someone's undergarments.

Issei: Woah! Dude this is totally a bra!

Y/n: No shit Issei.

Issei: Wait, but what's it doing in here?

Y/n then looks at the rest of the clothes and see Asia nun outfit hanging with the rest of the clothes. Almost simultaneously, both Y/n and Koneko hit Issei in the back of the head.

Y/n: Dude these are Asia's clothes!

Issei: Huh?!

Koneko: Did ya see something you like pervert?

Issei: No it's not like that.

Asia then steps out of the shower with her towel on and sees Issei holding her bra.

Asia: Hey is that my bra?

Koneko: I think he's gonna put it on and wear it around.

Asia: Please don't!

Issei: It's not like that! It just happened to be in my face.

He tries to put them back on the rack, but they fall to the ground. Y/n just facepalms and helps Issei put Asia bra back on the rack. Once Asia dries herself off and gets ready she and heads over to the couch while Issei and Y/n get ready to pass out flyers. Before the boys could leave, Rias called them over to her desk.

Issei: Yeah, what's up?

Rias: It's about our fight with the fallen angels. So I've decided to give you early morning training.

Issei: Early morning training?

Rias: Your fight with the fallen angels made one thing clear. We need to get you to your peak physical condition as fast as you can.

Issei: Oh great.

Rias: I'll pick you up in the morning. 5 sound good?

Issei: No that's insane. I mean sure thing. Well we're out to pass out flyers.

Y/n and Issei both leave the ORC and head out to pass flyers out. After they leave Rias calls to Asia.

Rias: Asia.

Asia: Yes?

Rias: Let's see what we can do about your living arrangement.

-Time Skip-
Early in the morning, Y/n can be seen leaning against the wall of the gate to his house. As he waits he thinks back to what Kumar said to him

Kumarr: D..Damn you devil!*grunts*This isn't over, mark my words S/n, I will return and show you my true might!

Y/n:(If Kumarr lives up to his word and comes back, I'll have to be ready for him.)

Rias: Penny for your thoughts?

Y/n: Huh?

Y/n looks to his side to see Rias walking up to him in a Burgundy and white tracksuit with a bicycle in hand.

Y/n looks to his side to see Rias walking up to him in a Burgundy and white tracksuit with a bicycle in hand

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