Chpt 8: Boiling Anger, Awaken The Legendary Super Saiyan!

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Kiba was carrying Y/n with him to the church. As they were making their way their, Kiba asked him about what happened before he arrived.

Kiba: What actually happened before I got there?

Y/n: For starters, I more about my race.

Kiba: What did you find out?

Y/n: Apparently, is saiyans are born warriors.

Kiba: Born warriors.

Y/n: Yep. The saiyans lived for battle.

Kiba: Guess we have to watch out for anymore of you guys Huh?

Y/n: You won't have to.

Kiba: Why's that?

Y/n: Because me and Kumarr are the last saiyans alive.

Kiba: Your the last of your race? Man that's a lot to take in.

Y/n: From what Kumarr told me yeah. Our planet was destroyed by some tyrant and his kid, but luckily his kid killed him for whatever reason.

Kiba: Good thing. I don't think we need a tyrant running around blowing up planets, but shouldn't we be worried about his kid?

Y/n: I don't think we have to. Kumarr had him sound like an ally more than an enemy. But there is something that's bugging me though.

Kiba: And what would that be?

Y/n: When I transformed, he seemed stunned.

Kiba: Yeah, I remember. He said something about a super saiyan.

Y/n: He said I looked like a super saiyan, but couldn't be one?

Kiba: Maybe that form of your is a part of super saiayn. Like a semi super saiyan.

Y/n: Finally, I have a name for it!

Kiba: Wait, you didn't have a name for it?

Y/n: No, not actually. Well I did.

Kiba: What was it?

Y/n: Okay don't laugh at me.

Kiba: I'm not gonna laugh.

Y/n: Alright. I was originally gonna call it uh, golden Kaioken.

Kiba:*chuckles*Golden Kaioken?

Y/n: You said you won't laugh!

Kiba: I'm sorry, it's just golden Kaioken was the best you could come up with?

Y/n: I know, I know. Not the best name, but thanks to you I won't have to call it that.

Kiba smiles and the two continue on their way to the church. As they were approaching the church, Y/n was able to walk on his own. He senses nearby energy signatures and told Kiba to head back to the church without him. With a nod, Kiba goes back to the church while Y/n goes to the energy source he sensed. As he was running, he slammed into something.

Y/n: Ow.*nubs his head*What the hell was that.

He sticks his hand out and makes contact with something.

Y/n: Huh? It's like an invisible wall. What a minute! Is this a barrier? I remember Rias said that when barriers are created, it camouflages itself like it's surrounding!*closes his eyes*I can sense five energies in there.

 What a minute! Is this a barrier? I remember Rias said that when barriers are created, it camouflages itself like it's surrounding!*closes his eyes*I can sense five energies in there

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The Strongest One!(REBOOT!Male Reader x DXD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora