Venus As A Boy

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You were lying on your bed scrolling through instagram in yours and Jimin’s bedroom. The pattering of water could be heard from the bathroom as Jimin was in the shower.

After seeing many memes and edits which were weird and just not funny any more, you decided that was enough internet for the night.

You changed into your pyjamas and lay on your side of the bed again. You noticed that the shower had stopped running and you knew what that meant: Jimin was going to come out of the bathroom in all his topless, god-like glory.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Oof. Dressed in only grey sweatpants, his torso damp and obviously gorgeous, sculpted by the gods, and his dark hair ruffled from the towel that he was currently using. You felt like a hormonal teenager just watching him strut (yes, strut, because he knew he looked good) over to his set of drawers to get a clean t-shirt out. He turned his back and there you saw them — the Venus dimples.

You were staring at the epitome of beauty when you heard his voice.

"Take a picture, it will last longer."

Your eyes shot to his as you realised he caught you shamelessly staring.

"I don’t think that’s necessary," you responded.

Jimin raised an eyebrow. Another oof. "And why’s that?" he asked.

"Why would I need to take a picture when I can see whenever I want?" you smiled smugly.

He giggled at your response, his crescent shaped eyes on show. Your smile dropped momentarily as you were hit with his duality, which never failed to surprise you, but ended up giggling as well.

Jimin put his t-shirt on and walked towards you still smiling. He bent down, leaning his hands beside you and gave you a kiss, his soft lips feeling heavenly. He stood again looking into your eyes before walking over to his side of the bed and getting under the covers. You followed suit and turned on your side to look at him, smiling softly. Jimin did the same.

"Do you realise how handsome you are?" you whispered.

Jimin covered his face with his hands, flustered, and giggled again — music to your ears.

"Seriously Jimin, if Venus was a guy…he would be you!"

He laughed out loud at your playful seriousness, you joining in as he gathered you up in his arms.

"Stop!" he exclaimed. "I’m embarrassed now."

You giggled again. Placing your hands on his chest, you raised your head a little and placed your lips on his jaw. He hummed in response.

"I love you," you whispered.

"I love you too," he replied.

You were both in utter bliss.

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