I hurry to get down as well, scared they are hurt. Scarlett gets up first and seems to be okay. Rose also gets up and it sounds like she is laughing but I'm not sure.
I slip and fall onto my butt, sliding down the last few meters until I'm with them. Scarlett is currently asking if Rose is okay. Rose nods and laughs, saying it was fun. Her mom chuckles a bit and fixes Rose's hat, she also doesn't seem hurt. Now she notices me and I get up, rubbing my butt.

"Are you both okay?" I ask and look from one to the other. Both nod and Rose tells me how it felt and that it was actually fun.
Scarlett looks at Rose with a little shake of her head and a little smile before looking at me.

"Are you okay?" She asks when Rose goes to get the sledge that slid down a bit further down. I wave it of and brush some snow off my pants.

"Yeah, just fell on my butt as I hurried to get to you." I explain and for a second, something sparkles in her eyes.
"Does it hurt badly?" She asks, trying to hide a laugh. I grin a bit and shake my head.

"Nah, it's fine, don't worry." I assure her and she nods before placing a kiss on my nose and looking at Rose who comes up with the sledge.

We go up the hill together again and this time Rose goes alone, while Scarlett and I watch her. She squeals happily and comes back up, wanting to go again.

We end up staying there for quite a while as Rose sledges down the hill over and over again, trying out different routes. Sometimes she waits until other children in front of her make room. Scarlett and I watch her, my arm wrapped around her waist and hers around my shoulder.
When Rose has enough of sledging, we take a few last pictures, to remember this day and ask another mother to take a picture of us with Rose between us on the sledge.

We head home and it honestly feels good to be inside the warm car because standing got pretty cold.
Rose is still excited about the snow and luckily, the streets are emptier because of the snow, which is good since it's also a bit slippery on the streets.

When we arrive home, I peel off my jacket and get out of my boots. Rose and Scarlett do the same and I am happy when I can fall onto the couch.
Scarlett goes to the kitchen to make us some tea and Rose goes up to her room to come back down a few minutes later with a board game she wants to play.
I get up and we sit at the dinner table, preparing the game.
When Scarlett sits down next to me and gives me my cup of tea, I look at her thankfully and wrap my hands around the warm cup. Even though I was wearing gloves, my fingers still feel frozen and the heat just feels good right now.

I listen as Rose explains the rules of the game and shortly after we start to play. All of us get pretty eager to win and when I am kicked out, I huff.
"You teamed up against me." I say and look between the two blondes. Rose just smiles innocently and Scarlett chuckles, kissing my cheek.

"You can't kiss yourself out of this." I say and point to her.
Rose laughs and slides off her chair to come around the table and climbing onto my lap, peppering my face in kisses, making me laugh and melting my heart.

"Fine, you maybe can." I say softly when Rose stops and beams at me. She grins smugly at her mother before hugging me.
Scarlett playfully glares at me but I can see the love in her eyes. Rose lets go of me and I place a kiss on her forehead before letting her go back to her seat to continue the game.

"Still mad at me?" Scarlett asks and her eyes sparkle in delight. I nod and cross my arms. She laughs and leans closer, kissing my cheeks.

"I'm sure, I can make it up to you." She whispers into my ear and I feel a little shiver run through me as she leans back and smirks a bit before paying attention to Rose and the game again.

The Stranger on the TrainWhere stories live. Discover now