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*Zee POV*

As expected when I returned home Net was busy having drinks, blasting loud music and partying with his flings. I scrunched my nose at the smell of blood, drinks and sweet sweet smell of different types of mixed perfumes. Net is my younger brother, he likes to bring home his "play toys", party with them, feed, sleep with them and compel them to forget what has happened the day before.

We are basically the same but I just don't like to party with loud music. I never bring home any of my flings, instead I go to a hotel have sex, feed and compel them to forget. That included Niki, I have never brought her home, we just do whatever business we have in a hotel or at her place.

I shook my head at him and walked into my bed room. As I sat on my bed and unbuttoned my shirt I couldn't help but remember a certain pair of shiny eyes and plump rosy lips. I ran my hand through the back of my neck and down my chest remembering the way his innocent pair of eyes watched every movement of my hands as I was teaching the class. The way he turned to look at me when I stood behind him. I was unconsciously craving his presence and suddenly my phone beeped knocking me back to reality. Realizing what I was doing I quickly stopped myself and grabbed my phone only to see a missed call from "nuisance" I rolled my eyes and texted Niki, 'What do you want?' tossing my phone on to the bed as I went in for a shower.


*Nunew POV*

He pushed me to the wall and grabbed me by my chin to make me look at him. His lust filled eyes made my knees weak. As much as I wanted to resist him I just couldn't for some odd reason.

He took both my hands and pinned them above my head with just one hand of his. With the other he started caressing my face, slowly feeling my lower lip with his thumb and then sliding down to my neck. My mind was getting foggy and all I could think of right now is never wanting him to stop. "P-please don't s-stop, mmh" I shamelessly moaned taking him by surprise. He smirked  at that and suddenly attacked my neck with wet kisses. His hand slowly crawled down to my crotch and I bit my lip not being able to contain the pleasure I felt. I bit too hard making my lip cut and bleed and at that moment he quickly detached himself from me and stared at me with heavy lidded eyes but this time they were a dark shade of red. Panicked I pushed him away and he smirked at me showing his fangs- FANGS-

*beep beep beep*

I woke up frightened and panicked to the sound of my alarm and I've never been this grateful to have been woken up by my alarm before. I sat there trying to grasp the meaning behind the dream I just woke up from. There were so many questions. "Vampires don't exist. They're mythical creatures. Why did I have a heaty dream about my Math teacher who I just met? Why was I feeling this way??" Sitting there for a couple of minutes and thinking hard about the changes in me lately, I decided to shrug it off and continue with my daily routine since I didn't want to be late to school.

I made my way to school in peace since Uncle and Dawn had left early today. As I was nearing the school gate a Maserati sped by me and parked at the parking lot. I couldn't help but drool at the sight of the car since I absolutely love cars and bikes. But that wasn't what surprised me, the one who got off the car did. It was Mr Zee, the moment our eyes locked everything around us froze and I couldn't move my feet. Flashbacks from my dream last night came flooding down and I couldn't help but feel my whole body heat up at the thoughts of him touching me. As if he could read my thoughts he stood their and smirked at me eyeing me intently.

I was woken from my Trance when I heard a familiar yelling from behind me. It was Nat. Nat: NEW NEW NEW NEWWWW.
Thank the heavens for giving me such wonderful friends because if it weren't for Nat I would've melted under Mr Zee's gaze. As Nat jumped on me I hugged him tight still feeling lost and hot. Which didn't go unnoticed by Nat as he kept questioning if I was having a high fever. I shook my head with a smile and looked back at the car and he was gone, Mr Zee was no where in sight.

(A/n - if you've read so far thank you so much for reading so far 😭❤️ the story will get more interesting I promise. This plot includes mature content, angst and magic)

Dark Prince And His Demon Angel| ZeeNuNew Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now