Chap 23 : 바보 (Silly)

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After all four of them knew the truth and had heard the story from both sides, they all groaned at YoonGi en masse. Including JiMin, his own best friend. Wow, this is an example of how love can blind someone. Already have a partner, friends are forgotten.

"Why the hell are you all attacking me? You all are real idiots, you know." YoonGi defended himself.

"Why are we the stupid ones?"

YoonGi looked at JungKook in disbelief. "You want me to list how stupid you are?"

"Yes! I'm not that stupid!"

"Are you for real!?" YoonGi grunted. "I left a lot of clues. You're the one who didn't notice!" He raised his voice.

"List it!" JungKook challenged him.

"Okay! If you insist!" YoonGi looked at JungKook straight, making sure to say every word clearly. "First of all, when you came to my house for our first meeting. It may not be obvious but there's a reason I didn't come downstairs to meet you."

"It's really unclear! You didn't go downstairs maybe because you were too nervous or shy!"

"That's just the beginning, dammit. Don't interrupt me!" JungKook was silent as YoonGi glared at him. "Secondly, during our meeting at the company in front of the dance studio. When you say my voice it's like you've heard it before."

"That's..." JungKook remembered a little of the incident. Yes, that is correct. He said so.

"Thirdly, why do you think I didn't give you my name? Don't you think I did it on purpose? And fourth, don't you notice that when JiMin and TaeHyung go on dates, we always see each other."

Jungkook speechless.

"Fifth, if you remember, when JiMin and TaeHyung invited us to go cycling together, they didn't introduce us both to each other. Then, you give me your number. I never text you or call you, that's the sixth. And at that moment, I just realized something."

"Fine, I give up--"

"Shh! I'm not done yet!" YoonGi continued, "Seventh, I believe you are wondering why I became bolder that one day. The next few days, I almost revealed my secret when I told you that I was the one who had to buy a wedding dress, that was the eighth clue."

"I think that's enough--"

"Not yet!" JungKook sighed. "When we bought the wedding dress and chose the theme for our wedding, it was the two of us who planned and chose it together and it wasn't JiMin or TaeHyung. Didn't you notice that!?" JungKook was just silent, he agreed with everything YoonGi said. YoonGi's words are so true.

"You are right..."

"And the last and most critical clue is the studio." YoonGi looked at them all. "Do you know what my job is?"

"You make music. You are a songwriter and a composer." JungKook replied, aware of everything.

"Do you ever realize why I never take you to my studio? Obviously, when you and TaeHyung were looking for me and JiMin at the company where we work, you yourself came to my studio door. How could you not notice?" YoonGi added, JungKook gave up.

Hearing all that made JungKook realize everything. How did he not realize all that? Especially when he himself went to YoonGi's studio where his future husband, now his husband was working. He now accepts YoonGi saying that he is stupid. He will not deny it. YoonGi who noticed JungKook's behavior, plans to stop.

"Well, since you've accepted the truth, I'll stop." YoonGi said. JungKook suddenly hugged YoonGi.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize..."

"It's okay I didn't notice at first either." YoonGi patted JungKook's hair softly. How cute his husband is!

Then, they heard two of their best friends gag and make vomiting noises. "Sorry but you two are too disgustingly sweet." JiMin said then continued, "Tae, let's get some air outside. I see too many flying heart shapes here."

TaeHyung replied, "I thought I was the only one obscured by those flying heart shapes. Let's go!"

JiMin and TaeHyung got up from their seats. JiMin pulled TaeHyung's hand towards the exit. Before they both left YoonGi and JungKook, TaeHyung managed to say something they didn't want to hear. And oh god it's so annoying!

"Make sure when we come back there won't be any indecent scenes, okay?" He has that evil smile on his face.

"He's really annoying!" JungKook said.

"They're annoying." YoonGi agreed.

"When will they get married? They are perfect for each other." JungKook rolled his eyes.

"Let's arrange their wedding then." YoonGi said, having an idea in his head. The genius will act!

"That's what I was thinking!"

Did you all enjoy the BTS free concert last night? 👀 I really enjoyed and it was my happiest day! ↖(^ω^)↗
The choreography for the 'BTS run' was really amazing! I love it sm!

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