Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV

Ever since the day I saw King Jungkook I was surprised. He looked very handsome up close.

But the way he looked at me for a few seconds caught me offguard. I swear, his chocolate brown eyes, pale skin, heart shaped pink lips.

But why did he seem so familar like I had known him long ago. But I brushed off that thought. Like I have seen him before so yeah.

Time skip

Taehyung's POV

It was early in the morning, earlier than usual.

Apparantly they wanted us to wake up more earlier so they can push more work in. So instead of us waking up at 5, we have to wake up at 4.

We all grumbled at that but nonetheless. We woke up and did our morning routine.

We all went outside and saw a stack of really strong steel blocks infront of us. A guard said that we have move the blocks to the end of the area and then the other group of slaves will build the walls with it. We had to work in pairs.

We started working on them. One block was being carried by two people. The guard paired me up with the same guy that tripped over the steel.

Which made me laugh mentally as he seemed to embaressed.

We were finally done with the blocks at around 6am. We were exhausted af. I leaned against a pillar that was close by and my mind came back to Jeon Jungkook aka the new king.

I just could not stop thinking about him, when I saw him looking at me. But he never notice me as he was talking to someone else. I acted cool and acted like I never see anything. But inside I was freaking out.

I looked else where and then after a few minutes I looked again and saw he was gone. Thank goodness, I thought.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a guard's voice boomed through the speaker saying what our next task was. Unfortunatly we had to build the wall as the other group had another task to do.

We honestly wish we could damn fricking protest but hell nah we don't want to certainly get in trouble with the head of the guards whose name was: Choi Hungsoon(forgive me hell do I know korean names well like I made the darn thing up😣😣).

And I don't want to get in trouble with him at all. You see he hates me and I don't know why like I did nothing wrong, and how I know this. Well he looks at me with a dirty look everytime he sees me and I heard him say he hates me to another guard.

But I feel he will plan to do something to me one day. But I can't be sure about that. He always looks at me with a smirk as well that's why I feel that way. Suddenly I heard him shout on the loud speaker.

Kim Taehyung I wan't to see you NOW!

Oh shit.

Was Once A Slave|| TaekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon