Chapter 14

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Taehyung's POV

I just could not believe my eyes. I looked at the King in shock. His face was handsome but boy was his abs a masterpiece.

He looked at me shocked then smirked while I gulped. He looked to good with his towel around his waist and his hair wet.

I looked down trying to hide my red face from him.

It made him even more beautiful. "U-umm your d-drink.", I stuttered. I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

"Leave it on the table.", he said while looking in his huge wardrobe picking out a shirt and pants.

I left it on the table and left his room.

Jungkook's POV

"Cute.", I mumbled and shook my head thinking about his blushing face.

But then I felt sad and my eyes went teary remembering what happened earlier.


I ordered a guard to call for Yoongi hyung in rage apparently the weapons that we ordered had been raided and those are very expensive weapons.

I honestly was going to lose it. How could Yoongi hyung be so careless he was the one tracking the trucks down. We only found out after 2 days.

Finally the guard came with Yoongi hyung. He looked down not wanting to look at how furious I was.

I rambled on and on on how he could be so careless, while Hoseok and Jimin just watched while Namjoon was biting his bottom lip. I mean they could do nothing.

"Well umm I f-forgot." he said gritting his teeth, his head was still down.

I lost it then. "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FORGET?"

"You are not the type of person to forget such things." I said gritting my teeth.

But just then Yoongi hyung stumbled backwards and fell to the ground and fainted. Just like that.

Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin ran to him while the others stood there in shock.

I widened my eyes. I dismissed everyone and saw Hoseok hyung carrying him. Best bet was their(Yoonminseok's)room. And I was right.

I saw everything from afar and I also saw Jin hyung running into their room. I could not see myself going in their room.

I felt to guilty. I thought maybe I was the one responsible for Yoongi hyung fainting. I saw the doctor go in the room.

I decided to go back to my room. I walked away sadly.

Flashback ends

I decided to and see if Yoongi hyung was alright at least. And apologise as I overeacted. My soldiers are trying to find to was behind the raid.

I put on my clothes and went out. I met Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung on the way.

I found out from them that Yoongi hyung fainted because of the lack of food in his body.

Honestly I felt concerned. What if he continued he would like a stick cat.

When I reached their room I accidently pushed the door opened. I peeked inside.

What I saw made me Jungshook.


Author's POV


What ya'll think happend?😮😟

Question of the week:

What is your fav food to eat?😋

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