Chapter 17

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Taehyung's POV

I ran upstairs and jogged for a few seconds then I was right in front of his room door. I took a deep breath in and then out. I did this a couple more times then knocked on the door.

I answer. I knocked again and waited a bit longer. I was honestly nervous. I mean I should be thankful for having a better room than the others but....why me.

Also I was curious because of the question he asked me a while back."Do you perhaps remember me from somewhere?". This question brought me so much confusion. I still can't stop thinking about it.

Plus yesterday I remembered something from my childhood. Someone that seemed so familiar. I can't just quite get my head around it.....yet.

I was cut off by my thoughts when I finally heard a "come in". I opened the door and went inside. I bit my lip. I felt a pit at the bottom of my stomach.

I was not totally ready to ask him my question. How would he even react?. But what if he was not the one that set my room like that? No, it had to be him, no one can not do such a thing without his permission.

I was again snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke. "You came here to waste my time or what. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised clearly expecting a reply.

I cleared my throat. "Ok I want to know why is my room way and I mean way different from the other servants rooms." Thats when his face changed from stern to panic real quick.

Jungkook's POV

When he asked me that question, I started panicking. I did not know what to say. I mean like I can't say the truth. He does not seem to remember me at all.

"W-well I don't know myself why I d-did that", I replied, I tried to stop myself from stuttering but it neber exactly work. He looked at me confused. "And by the way it is none of your business why I did that."

"Ok umm.......", he replied looking around the room. He clearly did not know what to say at this point. He on one hand tried to come up with something to say. He obviously wanted answers and he did not want to give up until he found out the answers to his question.

I...on the hand was internally panicking. I tried to come up with an excuse in my head. But my mind was blank.

So I decided to speak up. "Ok if you are done can you get out". He looked at me then he bowed and was walking out.

Taehyung's POV

I decided to leave as it was no use. I will not get my answers like this. I bowed and turned to leave but then I a picture. This picture caught my attention as it looked familar. It was on the bedside table. A night stand to be presise.

I walked over to it not caring that he was standing there. I looked at it closely. I widened my eyes. "No fucking way." I muttered. It was a picture that was taken long ago. This picture...Kookie and I.

I remembered I had a best friend named Kookie. I did not know his real name at all. He never told me his real name.

But how did this picture get here? I looked over my shoulders and saw a frozen King. He looked like he was about to faint.

I was confused why he looked like that and how the fuck did this picture even get here?

I picked up the picture frame and looked at it closely. I looked back at the King. I did that 4 times more looking at the picture and him back and forth. They looked so similar. The eyes and the-.

Wait....they look similar. The names Jungkook and Kookie. They even seemed similar.

I looked at him. I saw him gulp. I think this is the first time I saw him so scared.

Then I spoke up my voice shaking... that really you?


Author's POV

HHHeeelllooo people 😆.

Well seems like finally the story is properly coming together 😀.

Don't have much things to say. Life is boring here.

Question of the chapter(yup not week anymore it is chapter. Figured it would make more sense):

How do ya'll feel about our lovely WWH Jin going to military?

Also in my opinion he looks really cute with his cut off like that 😚😘😙.

Anyways bye bye guys ☺.

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