Chapter 3

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Author's POV

Jungkook sighed as he was tired from the long day, he was in his room, he set aside his crown, who knew being a king is soooo hard.

From taxes to the kingdom's well being and its people to the enemy kingdoms he was responsible for all that as well as many other things.

He was itching to take revenge on the enemy kingdom and torture the ones that killed his parents till they beg to die.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when someone knocked on his door. "Come in",he said. A maid walked in and bowed,"Your highness dinner is ready". "Ok i'm coming in 10 minutes", he replied.

She bowed again and walked out. He took a quick shower and wore a loose pants and a t-shirt. He went downstairs into the massive dining room. He saw Jin, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon.

He saw that Jimin was pouting while the others were laughing at him. They stopped laughing when they saw Jungkook walking towards them with a cold and stern expression written all over his face. He had his hands in his pockets. "What's so funny?", he asked as he pulled out his chair to sit down.

Jimin pouted again and folded his arms and said, "Namjoon hyung said I have no jams and the others are laughing at me even my own husbands as well.

Jimin looked at them and said "I don't want to speak to you both so don't talk to me". "Oh yeah then remember each time you said that you always end up moaning our names while you under us", Yoongi said with a smirk. Hoseok also smirked while Jimin blushed, his cheeks dusted red.

"Oh please gosh no I won't be getting sleep tonight then it won't be good for my handsome faceu", Jin said pouting. "Keep quiet, as if you and Namjoon hyung never have sex before, like just yesterday ya'll did it so don't talk about us when you be moaning his name everytime", Hoseok said rolling his eyes.

Jin blushed and said nothing while Namjoon smirked thinking how he is going to have fun with Jin so much tonight.

Jungkook watched them bickering and almost smiled, I repeat, almost he never did actually smile(sadly😟).

"Lets eat now the food is getting cold", he said. They all stopped bickering and began eating and saying how good the food is.

When they were done they went upstairs to do their *ahem* business *cough* for tonight.

While Jungkook when to his room and there he got the view of the moon from his window. He went on the balcony he rested his hands on the railing of the balcony.

He looked at the stars and said "Mom, dad I miss you sooo much and I love you I wish you could be here but everything went as planned but I hope you are both happy, I am fine you can probably see that but I really miss you both....".

He stopped and started tearing up. "I don't think I can ever really be so happy without you both right here with me

Maybe he thinks that but fate has other plans in store for him.

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