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This chapter will be told with the first half being from Nashs POV the second half being Bea's


I knew, even before she called, that something was wrong. She was in danger.

She tried to keep her voice calm and her racing thoughts at bay, but still, I knew.

I didn't let on as if I suspected anything was amiss.

As soon as I hung up with her, I summoned Dante and the others.

Without even finishing, he hung up, telling me that he was on his way.

We had planned to attack soon.

To make our first attempt to invade the Midnight Coven, but we wanted to make sure Bea was safe before we made a move.

But with what had happened, it forced us to carry out our plan early.

This time with only one objective.

Bea gets out alive.

The others no longer mattered to me; my only thought was saving Bea.


I had known for the last week that Luna was planning to make a move on her. I tried my best not to show my concerns to Bea, but I knew she knew.

Maybe not what was going to happen, but she was able to sense my apprehension any time she had to be away from me.

As long as I was with her, I could protect her, with my own cloaking spell working for her as well.

And when I dropped her off at work today, I knew in my gut that something bad was going to happen.

I could feel her pain and the blows that Luna was giving her.

My girl was strong and brave, but she was hurting.

She tried to block as much of it out as she could, no doubt to spare me more than herself, but through our connection, I could still feel her.

I waited outside as long as I could for the others to arrive.

I could hear Dante's voice still echoing through my head. "Don't be stupid, Nash; don't go in until we get there. We won't let her hurt Beatrix, but we can't lose you in the process because you refuse to think with your brain."

But when I could no longer feel her, no longer feel her pain, the moment that her voice inside my head called out to me as the pain was replaced by calm, I knew I couldn't wait any longer.

I had to go after her. I'd take whatever lecture or punishment Dante wanted to dish out later; right now, she was the only thing I cared about.

I'm coming for you, love.


I knew I had heard him. And it only confirmed it to me when I felt him, my eyes landing on his.

As soon as I had manipulated the air in the room, sweeping Luna off her feet, chaos ensued.

Before I knew what was happening, I was being attacked from all sides.

I outstretched my arms, projecting a shield of protection around me, pushing the others back and holding them off as I moved towards Luna, who was busy picking herself up from the floor.

"This fight is between you and me, Luna. Or should I say Aunt Luna?"

The color drained from her face.

"How did...."

"You have a way of letting things slip out when you get worked up."

"I wouldn't..."

"Oh, but you did." I send another wave through my protective shield that the others are fighting hard to break through.

"You did keep it secret, though, that our powers don't end at the age of maturity. Was that just something you made up to try to keep everyone in line? So that you could continue to exert your need for complete power and control?"

"I-I .."

"Look who the scared one is now. What's wrong, Auntie? Cat got your tongue?

Do you hear that, everyone?" I ask, my voice growing louder over the noise of the others attempted attacks.

"Our Supreme has been lying to us the entire time. Isn't that right?" I asked, directing my attention back to her.

I can feel the others attacks weakening as they listen to what I am saying and contemplate whether or not I'm being sincere.

"Go ahead, Luna, tell them. Tell them all."

"Enough! " She bellows, the sound of her voice sending a shockwave through the room that throws me and everyone else off balance.

My bottom hits the floor with a crack.

"She's lying; she's lying to you all!" She screams.

There is a moment of hesitation as the others look between themselves and her. Deciding in their heads who they choose to believe.

Just as expected, there are a few who seem to hold back, but the others, like Roo and Carlyle, rush me again.

Just as I start to fight back, Luna turns her attention away from me and to the spot in the back corner where Nash is hiding.

She reaches out her hand, wiggling her fingers in his direction.

She is pulling him by the throat through the room towards her.

"Well, what do we have here?" She croaks. "If it isn't little Winston Nash Dallinger? Long time no see. Why, the last time I had my eyes on you, I was busy killing your mother."

She smiles as Nash lets out a strangled noise, his face beginning to turn purple. His eyes close as he grasps at the invisible forces holding him.

I can feel him starting to slip away, and our connection is growing weaker as I too feel his pain.

I stand up feeling the same anger as before, only a thousand times stronger.

"No!" I boom, sending a wave through everyone in the room.

The anger burns inside me as I watch Nash crumble to the floor.

"You've fucked with the wrong one!" I screamed in her stunned face as I let the anger take over me. I stretch my hand towards her, sending her flying into the far wall, which she hits with a loud crash.

"Nash!" I scream as I drop to his side, ignoring anything else but him.


End of Chapter 23

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