◇Familiar Stranger◇✔️

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What happened next?

Did anyone ever find Vivian?

What happened to my family?

Who was the woman who stepped out of the darkness?

So many questions...

I could spend a lifetime trying to answer them all, and some I just simply don't have answers for, even after all of this time.

To spare you all every single detail, and so we can finally get into the real part of the story here, I will run through the highlights.

No one ever found Vivian; it was just like she had vanished into thin air.

They first assumed she perished in the fire, which I had caused.

But investigators never found her body, so while she was largely presumed dead, there were still those who thought she was to blame and had taken off after the fire had started. But most of them painted a picture of her that was anything but close to being accurate.

And as for my brothers and sisters...

No one could really explain it-how they got outside, how or why they were all in the positions they were in-none of it made sense and made for a great topic of local gossip, where everyone and their brother had a different theory, but officially...

Stress Cardiomyopathy.

They were literally scared to death.

What scared them, or how? I am still looking for answers on that one, as it is still a mystery to me too, though I do have some ideas.

Ideas that can't exactly be proven.

They determined "offically" the cause of the fire was accidental, saying that there was something sitting too close to the fireplace that caught and caused the fire to spread.

The rumor mill was in full swing when they discovered that I was the only one left alive.

Alive and unharmed.

But I wasn't around long enough to have to hear or experience any of it firsthand because the night of the fire was the last night I was there, and after a few days everyone in town seemed to magically forget that I had ever even existed.

The woman who came out of the darkness, calling me by name, is where things get really complicated...


"Hello Beatrix."

"Who, who are you?" I ask, wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands.

The lady was beautiful, with long, flowing black hair and bright blue eyes that shone even in the dark. Dressed entirely in black, I stared at her, waiting for her to answer. I wondered who she was, how she knew me, and why she seemed so oddly familiar.

"We don't have much time." She grabs my hand. "Come with me; I will explain everything on the way."

You have to understand that I was thirteen years old, and given what had just happened, I was in no position to ask questions, so I followed. I followed behind her into the dark, my legs struggling to keep up with her long, graceful strides as we zigzagged our way through Blackwood's forest.

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