☆Fire At Briarwood☆✔️

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It started like any other day.

The other girls and I were all busy doing our morning chores before school in the house, and the boys were doing the outside work.

Attending classes at Blackwoods School.

Then coming back home to Briarwood.

Vivian stood on the porch as the bus dropped the seven of us off, smiling and greeting us, just as she did every day, ready to ask each of us about everything that had happened since we had been gone.

Yeah, everything was just as it always was.



Too normal.

Looking back, I think that should have been my very first red flag. One that I painfully and regrettably chose to ignore.

I didn't mean for it to happen.

I swear I didn't.

But it did.

And there was nothing that I could do to stop it.

Sitting around the fireplace, talking to Vivian about everything that was going on at school and filling her in on all that was happening with exams and classes, Brian, the newest addition to our unconventional family, was taking his turn telling us about his day when he turned to me.

"Hey Bea, I heard something interesting about you from some of the guys at school today." He looks at me with a cocky smirk.

The kind that someone who had just been let in on the secret of the century and was about to let all of us in on it was well.

I bit my lip, bracing myself to hear whatever rumor had been started now.

Every so often someone would bring up my past, and I would endure a week's worth of questions and comments, mostly from people who may not have been around to hear it all before. I assumed that this time would be no different.

"Oh really?" I ask hesitantly, still holding on to a thread of hope that it was something else.

Vivian seems to tense up, as do the rest
of them.

Being that I have been here the longest, I always took great pride in being the best "big sister" I could be. But Brian was new and still in the introductory period that they all go through, and he had yet to learn all of the ins and outs of our little makeshift family. And I could tell right off that our kinship would be rocky.

Doug, Laura, Rachel, Presley, and Joanna all seemed to be holding their breaths, waiting for what he was about to say.

"Yeah, Leon told me that you were abandoned, said your parents didn't want you." He smirks.

"You already knew that." I am gritting my teeth, trying not to let the anger that is quickly building inside of me show.

"Yeah, but I didn't know how big of a freak you were." He laughs, and I stand up, my fists clenched at my sides.

"That's enough." Vivian says calm but stern, trying to diffuse the situation that she knows is quickly getting out of control.

"So is it true?" He asks, completely ignoring her and everyone else trying to hush him up.

"What?" I stepped closer to him, refusing to back down.

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