☆Swift And Just Punishment☆ ✔️

21 4 0


I fight against Roo as she tries to pull me to my feet.

"I don't need help." I spit at her, blood still trickling from the side of my mouth. "Especially from you." I say, shrugging out of her arm.

"Bea, I'm..." She begins.

"Don't you dare! You don't get to say, I'm sorry, after what you've done. You're nothing more than Luna's pawn. I just hope you realize that she's using you too. And as soon as she is done with you, she will kill you off just like everyone else."

I brush past her roughly, leading myself to slaughter as I enter the already full Great Room.

Of course she has already called them here; this has been her plan since the beginning.

There is one absence, however, that I notice immediately.


I don't know where she is, but the fact that she isn't here in her usual place beside Luna is enough to put a shiver down my spine.


Luna stands front and center, patiently waiting for my arrival, and I can see from here the sheepish grin she has plastered on her face as her eyes land on me.

Beatrix." She calls sweetly, reaching out her hand towards me.

Some of the others gasp when they see my bloodied face.

"You may be wondering why you have all been brought here today. I know the plan was to be here later on tonight, but our guest of honor decided to make things easier on us by showing up herself." She says this as I walk to stand beside her.

"Bea, would you like to tell your brothers and sisters why they have been called here today?" She asks nicely, looking over at me.

"Not really." I say, which she doesn't respond kindly to.

"Speak!" She demands.

I can feel the pull of her spell, and I resist it.

"No." I groan, feeling the spell break. "If you want to let them in on why you have called them all here, then you tell them."

"Very well." She says trying to seem unbothered, but I know she is frustrated that I keep breaking through her control.

"Our dear Beatrix is here today, brought before you all, her brothers and sisters, because she has committed the ultimate betrayal against her coven." She casts a grin in my direction.

There are loud murmurs from the crowd as they discuss amongst themselves what that could mean.

"Now," She says, raising her hands and lowering them, signaling for them to be silent. "Now I know that this comes as a complete shock to you all, as it did to me as well. What is our one rule in the Midnight Coven?" She addresses the room.

"Never cast a love spell." They all say together.

As if that's her only rule.

"Exactly, now I'm not a difficult Supreme to please, now am I?"

"No." They answer in unison again, sounding like the brainwashed idiots they are.

"One simple rule isn't too much to ask, is it?"


"Yet Beatrix committed the one forbidden act that I ask of you all." She pretends to be disappointed in me. "All of you know that Beatrix's own mother committed the same betrayal."

There was more muttering in the room.

Everyone is sure getting brave talking when she is before us, but she's so preoccupied with me that she doesn't let on.

She raises her hands again, and they quieten down.

"A lot of you have been around long enough to remember how we handled Amelia's betrayal."

More noise.

"Swift and just punishment." I hear Carlyle say.

"Percisely. Swift and just punishment is what we carried out then. And what we will carry out here today!" She bellows, which causes them to cheer loudly.

They begin to clap as Luna walks towards me, taking a bag from Roo.

"If you think I'm going to stand here and willingly let you bag and torture me, you have another thing coming."

"Beatrix, Beatrix, Beatrix." She shakes her head, clicking her tongue. "You will never learn, will you?" She opened the bag, ready to place it over my head.

"Fuck you." I spit in her face.

"Restrain her!" She calls, and half a dozen or so of her mindless mob rush forward, pinning my arms behind my back. She places the bag over my head, buckling it at the back, cutting off my view. I struggle for a moment before I feel a sharp pain at my temple.

I can feel the blood begin to trickle from the side of my head as my knees buckle and fold beneath me.

I hit the ground with a loud thud, and the voices of my Coven slowly get lower and lower until there is no sound at all and all I am left with is the darkness. Just before I pass out, Nash flashes through my mind.


End of Chapter 21

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