◇Coven Drama◇✔️

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The moment is perfect.



As always.

Right on cue.

My phone goes off.

I reluctantly pulled away from Nash with a loud whine, already forming a list in my head of the few people it could be, none of whom I had any desire to deal with, especially right then.

Bea, there's an emergency with the coven. You need to get here now.

"Let me guess... another one of those secret late night trips you can't talk about?" Nash asks with his arms around my waist as I stare down at my phone.

"Unfortunately." I say, giving him a kiss, before carefully standing up and brushing the grass and dirt off of my bottom.
"Mind to drive me home?" I ask with a grin, helping him to his feet.

"I'd drive you to your secret meeting if I knew where you were going." He teases me, kissing me on the neck, and we head back to the car.

He leads me to the passenger's seat, opening the door for me. "Maybe next time." I say, giving him a peck on the cheek as I get in.


"Beatrix, there you are." Roo says as I walk in with a sigh of relief. She links her arm through mine and walks with me into the great room, talking as we go.

"What's going on?" I am grateful that, at least for now, it has nothing to do with me.

"Tamara and Felix." She says in a hushed tone.

"What did they do?" I am both confused and curious, as well as nervous.

They were two of Luna's favorites. At least as much of a favorite as a Common can be to Luna.

"They've gone missing." She whispers quickly as we start to take our places.

"Missing?" I lean closer to her to ask, so no one overhears.

"Yeah, just poof disappeared. No one has seen them since the day before yesterday. Luna called them in for a meeting to discuss something, but no one could find them."

"Why didn't she just use a location spell? Or get Carlyle to use his tracking ability?"

"That's just it. They did. It didn't work. Wherever they are, they are either using a blocking spell or something. They are definitely somewhere magic can't reach. I just hope that it doesn't mean, shit there she is, and she doesn't look happy." Roo sits up and nods towards Luna with a smile.

She is right. Luna doesn't look happy.

Whatever was going on, it was bad.


It didn't make sense, the things Luna and Valerie were going on about.

It was almost as if they were afraid.

What could possibly be out there that could scare the two of them?

Whatever this unseen threat was, it certainly had them on edge.

Luna steps to the front as Valerie falls in behind her to her left.

"Word tends to spread fast within the Coven, but this, well, a few of you already know; as for the rest of you, two of our own have gone missing." Luna emphasizes missing, clueing the others in that this isn't a repeat of the Frankie and Ramone situation.

No, this was something far more sinister.

There was a collective gasp from most of the room as they looked around, trying to deduce who wasn't present.

"Tamera Billings and Felix Marx have not been seen since the 19th, which was the day before yesterday."

She paces back and forth in front of the room as the muttering that started among the members dies down, which she surprisingly allows.

"Can we not do a tracing spell?" One of the Legacies asks, which in their defense is the most obvious question; it was what I had asked Roo at first.

"We have tried. The tracing spells have been unsuccessful. And before anyone asks, Carlyle has already used his tracking power, and he is unable to pick up and trace either of them."

"Does that mean they are dead, Madame Supreme?" A young female voice behind me, one I don't recognize, asks, letting me know it's most likely a Nitch.

"Normally, when a witch passes on to the next life, it takes a few days for their life essence to become untraceable." She surprised me with her patience with a question that would have landed me across the room with a bruised cheek. "Slowly, after the course of several days, their essence is absorbed back into the earth, but until then, their fellow witches can pinpoint their bodies location and strength exactly. With Felix and Tamera, there is nothing. There is not a single trace that they ever even existed." She says it solemnly. She pauses for a few seconds, regaining her composure, before continuing in her normal authoritative tone.

"There is an evil among us. An ancient, unspeakable evil. We must accept that Felix and Tamera are gone. They aren't coming back.

As for all of you, I want you all to remain on High Alert until further notice. No witch is exempt.
Any witch over the age of maturity, regardless of rank, will be expected to continue until I say so.

You can expect at least a week."

There was another audible gasp.

For a witch to be on High Alert it meant that they weren't able to sleep and instead must routinely drink a potion to stay awake.

You still feel tired and weak, just as you would staying awake normally, but the potion forces your brain to go into hyperdrive.

It is basically the witches equivalent to speed, minus the euphoric feeling, though they would never admit it. The Coven frowned on any kind of 'substance' use, but they failed to take into account the substances they created.

Using it was hell, torture...

Pure mental agony

...and it was dangerous.

Being on High Alert for more than two days could cause lasting effects, none of which were good.

No, the only good thing was that when you were finished, which was usually less than thirty-six hours, you slept for three days straight and no longer felt like you were dying.

High Alert also forced your senses to become heightened so that anything amiss would be immediately noticed.

You could see from the look on Valerie's face that she too was surprised that Luna was asking this of us.

It was suicide.

We may as well off ourselves now and spare ourselves the trouble.

"Everything is to be reported directly to me. You can pick up your vials on the way out. Dismissed." She walks off without another word.


Tamera and Felix were gone; that was what we were told, and while their explanation as to why left us all with more questions than answers, we were told that it was better the less we knew.

And Luna's orders?

If she truly meant that we could each expect a week, at least, there was something that I needed to do. Because who knows what would happen to me and to my mind after it was over.

I had to tell Nash the truth. The complete truth, and I had to just let the chips fall where they may.


End of Chapter 14

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