Epilogue. 1861 

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Sunlight burst through the window of the nursery, casting brilliant beams of gold along the occupants running around the room. The children's laughter echoed through the entire house, bouncing off the walls and cascading along the ceilings. They brought smiles to every staff member. But the biggest smiles were on the faces of their mother and father.
The oldest of the Stratford children was three-year-old Oliver. He was a spitting image of Nicholas, with dark brown curls and dark brown eyes. His skin complexion was a lovely mixture of both his parents. He was a little bundle of energy, always bringing smiles and laughter to everyone he met.
There was also Oliver's little sister, two year old Nicolette. She had her mothers appearance, with champagne blonde curls and blue eyes. She was very sweet tempered, always making sure that everyone was happy. Like her older brother, she was a little bundle of energy as well.
Smiling at their children, Nicholas and Amelia couldn't have felt more blessed and fortunate. They had been married for the last four years and had two beautiful children. They had spoken about having more children, but after Amelia had endured difficult pregnancies for both children, they agreed that two was enough.
As for William and Caroline, the two of them had a pair of lovely little ones as well. They had been married for two years, and had a pair of twins. Their son was named Christopher and their daughter was named Stephanie.
The families spent as much time together as possible, wanting to make sure that the cousins had enough time to play together before they grew up and had to begin their studies. They both agreed that quality time together was very important.
Thankfully, Robert, after discoveringThankfully, Robert, after discovering that he wasn't the legitimate Viscount Morgan, didn't cause a fuss and left London for Scotland. There, he found himself a lovely bride and they became married. They had three children, two boys and a girl. They didn't bother Amelia or William again.
For Amelia and Nicholas, fate brought them together. If it wasn't for Cornelia and her lovely soirée, they wouldn't be together. They wouldn't have become acquainted, much less fallen in love. They wouldn't have discovered that William was the true Viscount Morgan, and Amelia's brother. But they had, they had found one another. And it had all begun with a scandalous affair.

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