Chapter 20. 1857 

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Perfect. She was perfect. Nicholas thought she was perfect. Amelia couldn't believe it, couldn't wrap her head around it. Nicholas didn't believe she was ugly. She stared at him with wide eyes. "You believe I am perfect?"
Nicholas. "I do. I believe you are nothing but perfection. You are beautiful, both physically and intellectually."
Amelia. "You really don't believe I'm ugly? You don't believe that you're going to be embarrassed if you're seen with me?"
Nicolas stared at her with confusion. "Why would I be embarrassed to be seen with you? And why the hell would I believe you're ugly? You are not."
Amelia swallowed hard. "George told me that I was ugly, that he would be embarrassed to be seen with me out in public. He told me so on our wedding night."
Nicolas stumbled back, his eyes going wide. "George said those things to you? On the night that the two of you were intimate with one another?"
Tears gathered at the corners of Amelia's eyes, her voice beginning to shake. "It was because of me that we were never intimate Nicolas. The minute George removed my wedding gown and saw Mike curves, he became disgusted. He said that I was ugly and Wouldn't be attractive to any gentleman. He said that I would be an embarrassment if I was to be seen with him in public. He didn't want to have children with me, much less be intimate with me. Our wedding night was nothing like this. It was a quiet dinner and nothing else."
Nicolas was staring at her with wild eyes, his heart squeezing for his new wife. The nerve of George Tristan to say such hurtful and disgusting things to her! Stepping forward, he took her face between his hands and kissed her hard. "My sweet and beautiful Duchess, you are nothing except perfect. You are not ugly, and you are certainly not going to be an embarrassment to me. I want to be seen with you in public. I desire every gentleman to be envious of me that I have the most beautiful woman as my wife."
Amelia sniffled. "But don't you think my figure is repulsive?"
Nicolas shook his head, a soft growl flowing from his lips. His hands moved down her cheeks, across her neck and shoulders, and then down to her breasts. "No, I don't believe your figure is repulsive. It's absolutely magnificent, and it's only going to be amplified when you are carrying my children."
Amelia shivered, feeling his thumbs gently playing with her nipples. He was right, she had nothing to worry about with him. She reached up to caress his cheek. "You are just as beautiful to me Nick. You are absolutely exquisite."
Suddenly overwhelmed by her words, Nicholas brought her against him and kissed her passionately. He pressed his body against hers, growling again as she reciprocated his action. Picking her up, he carried her over to their bed and gently placed her onto it. He didn't stop kissing her, his hands moving down her body.
Amelia moved her hands all over his body, tracing and outlining every muscle and curve of him. This gentleman, this Duke, was hers. And she was his. Pulling away, she was surprised when she saw that he was crying. Her heart squeezed as she wiped frantically at his tears. "My love, have I said something wrong?"
Nicholas shook his head. "No, no my love you haven't. You've said the words that I've been wanting to hear for the last several years. You love me despite the fact that I am dark. You adore me for who I am as a person, not for my complexion. Several of the other women who I have been with couldn't see past my darkness. They saw me as handsome, but nothing else."
Amelia growled, bringing his lips to hers for a deep kiss. "You are more than handsome Nicholas. You are perfect. And you are mine. No one is going to hurt you again with words of distaste."
Nicholas crushed her against him, kissing her back feverishly. "And you are mine. No one is going to say hateful words about your appearance again."
They held one another tightly for several minutes, just kissing and basking in one another's warmth. That night wasn't going to be rushed by either of them. It was going to be a wedding night that neither of them would forget.
Nicholas moved his hands up to Amelia's hair, and very gently began removing the hair pins keeping her chignon in place. He removed the hair pins one by one, allowing her hair to cascade down her back and shoulders with rippling waves of gold. During his task, he kept kissing her over and over, pressing himself against her so she could feel him.
As soon as her hair was free, Amelia intertwined her arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal passion. Her hips arched, pressing against him eagerly. Good Lord, she was wanting him. She was wanting to feel him just as much as he was wanting to feel her.
Slowly, Nicholas moved away, his lips traveling across her neck and then down to her breasts. He kissed each one, gently and tenderly. His hands caressed them, his thumbs pressing against her nipples. Then his mouth continued down to her navel, and then lower to her intimate spot. When he met her eyes, his eyes were dark with desire. His voice was low and seductive. "I want to make sure that you are ready for me to take you my love. I'm going to make sure that you feel nothing but pleasure tonight."
Amelia was staring down at him with wild eyes, her mouth slightly parted and her breathing heavy. Her skin was on fire, especially between her legs. She was wanting him desperately. She couldn't respond, at least not verbally. Her only response was a single nod.
Encouraged by her response and receptiveness, Nicholas moved closer to her womanhood, placing a gentle kiss against her inner thighs. And then, very slowly, he placed his mouth on her.

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