Chapter 17. 1857 

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Standing in the doorway of the parlor, Nicholas was smiling. He had been waiting for this moment for quite a while. At least since the night before, when William had come to the Gentlemans club and told him everything over a drink. At last, William and Amelia were united, and they were a family.
Feeling that her fiancé was behind her, Amelia turned around, wiping her eyes and smiling at him. "Can you believe it?"
Nicholas walked toward her, taking her into his arms and brushing his lips against hers for a soft kiss. "It's wonderful my love, I'm so happy for the two of you."
William was smiling as well, quickly wiping his eyes. "Thank you for allowing me to tell you everything last night Richmond, it means a lot."
Nicolas. "Of course Morgan, you're now a brother to me through marriage. I don't want anything to come between you and your sister again. The question is, how are you going to take the title of viscount away from Robert?"
William. "I have a plan for that. I'm going to take the ledgers to queen Victoria and tell her everything. Hopefully she will be able to give me the title of Viscount Morgan and remove it from Robert."
Amelia. "Do you want either one of us to go with you brother?"
William shook his head. "No, that's all right. The two of you have your wedding to plan. And speaking of your wedding, do you have a date?"
Nicholas. "We do, we are going to have it on 26 February."
William. "My word, that's next month."
Amelia giggled. "Don't fret, everything is almost finalized. Rachel and I are going to Madame Genevieve Labelle's next week to pick up my wedding gown."
Nicholas. "The venue is going to be Westminster Abby, and the reception is going to be here at Richmond Hall."
William. "That sounds lovely. How many guests do you plan to have?"
Amelia. "We plan to have 50 guests, so not a very large wedding. And... Nicholas my love, wasn't there something you wanted to ask my brother?"
Nicholas smiled, stepping forward and extending his hand to William. "Yes, there is. I was wondering if you would be my best man. Rachel is going to be Amelia's maid of honor."
William felt his heart squeeze, his eyes welling up with tears. He brought Nicholas against him for a tight hug. "Of course, I would be honored to be your best man."
Nicholas gave him a hug back. "Thank you. And, as soon as you get your title, I know of a lovely Duchess who is going to be wanting to introduce you to a friend of hers at her very exclusive ball in October."
William raise one eyebrow, confused. "Amelia is going to be hosting an exclusive ball in October?"
Amelia giggled. "No, not me. My dearest friend Cornelia Crestwood,duchess of Cambridge. She is soon to be, however, the Duchess of Suffolk. She has been hosting a private soirée for single young men and women instead of a proper public ball. That's how she met her fiancé Richard, and she brought Nicholas and I together."
William. "How wonderful, I'm looking forward to it. But first, I am very much looking forward to your wedding next month."
Nicholas. "We are looking forward to it as well."
William. "If you will excuse me, I must go and speak to the queen. I would much rather get this finalized before things escalate between me and Robert."
Amelia gave her brother another tight squeeze. "Good luck to you brother."
William. "Thank you my dearest sister."
Nicholas and Amelia watched William step out of Richmond Hall and climb into his carriage. They watched his coach disappear around the corner and toured Windsor castle. Both were hoping and praying that Queen Victoria would allow William to have his title.
Amelia. "Do you believe she is going to give it to him willingly? She's going to have all of the evidence right in front of her."
Nicholas caressed her cheek. "If the queen sees the documents that William has provided, then she is going to allow him the title. It's quite clear from what I read that Cecily Parker was simply a mistress and not a wife. So that does make Robert illegitimate and William the true heir."
Amelia nibbled nervously on her bottom lip. "But do you really believe she is going to give it to him?"
Nicholas brushed his lips against hers. "Darling, if I know queen Victoria, she is willing to help those around her. She procured a special license for Frederick and Rachel to become married when Rachel was 20 years old. I have no doubt she is going to do the same for your brother."
Amelia relaxed at his words, having a feeling that her fiancé was right. Hopefully, by that night, William was no longer going to be addressed as Mr. Morgan, but Lord William Morgan, the right honorable Viscount Morgan. She wished and prayed that Robert wouldn't cause chaos once he learned the truth.
Nicholas. "Now, I do believe we have the rest of our wedding to plan."
Amelia smiled softly. "I believe you're right your grace."
Fingers intertwined, they moved back towards the drawing room where a large list of wedding preparation and planning was waiting for them to peruse. Every last detail had to be perfect.

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