Chapter 11. 1856 

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Two weeks later, on a cold but clear morning towards the beginning of December, Nicholas was seated at his desk, staring at the small black velvet box in front of him. He smiled softly as his eyes stayed glued to the magnificent ring inside. The ring that had belong to his mother, Nicolette.
The band was composed of white gold, the Centerstone a large blue diamond. The gemstone was shaped in a circle, and surrounding the larger stone was a halo of clear circular diamonds. The gemstones sparkled brilliantly beneath the sunlight streaming in through the large glass window. The blue diamond represented the Richmond family.
Nicholas moved his index finger around the perimeter of the ring, his heart overflowing with love and pride. By that night, that ring was going to be on Amelia's finger. It was going to belong to her. Turning his head at the sound of Richardson clearing his throat from the doorway of his office, he smiled at his valet. "Good morning Richardson."
Richardson gave him a bow. "Good morning your grace, I do hate to disturb you but I've come to inform you that the dowager duchess of Richmond has arrived."
Nicholas smiled, his eyes lighting up at the mention of his grandmother. "Send her up please. Or, better yet, tell her that I will be down in the parlor shortly."
Richardson. "Yes your grace."
Closing the lid of the box and rising to his feet, Nicolas followed Richardson downstairs. He was always excited to see his grandmother, knowing that she always had wise words to tell him. But aside from those wise words, she always gave him love. Entering the parlor, his smile exploded across his face. "Good morning grandmother, this is quite the surprise."
Seated on the chaise in the parlor by the window, lady Violet Stratford, the dowager duchess of Richmond, smiled brightly at her grandson. Her hair was gray, and her face was wrinkled. But her brown eyes still held mischief and happiness. Rising slowly to her feet, she moved towards Nicholas and wrapped him up in her arms. "Hello my dear boy."
Nicholas gave her a tight squeeze back before helping her sit down again. He took a seat next to her, taking her hand and stroking it gently. "You look well grandmother."
Violet. "You do as well my darling Nico. Tell me, has any young woman captured your interest? I do apologize for still asking you, but you know I am not getting any younger. I would love to have a great grandchild before I leave this earth."
Nicholas chuckled, always having been slightly annoyed whenever his grandmother called him Nico. However, he also knew that she was wanting him to be married and settled before she went. He squeezed her hand softly. "As a matter of fact grandmother, a young lady has captured my interest, and I am going to propose to her this evening."
Violet smiled brilliantly. "Have you? You must tell me about her."
His heart overflowingHis heart overflowing with happiness, Nicholas gave every detail about Amelia to his grandmother. He spoke animatedly about his beloved sweet smile and beautiful eyes, her intelligence and humor. He spoke of her big heart and her compassion and kindness. He watched his grandmother's eyes well up with tears of joy.
Violet. "My dear Nicholas, Amelia sounds like the perfect woman to be your wife. And I cannot believe you plan to propose to her after knowing her for almost 2 months. Your romance was just as quick as mine was with your grandfather."
Nicholas Chuckled, but then became serious. "Thank you grandmother. I'm going to propose to Amelia this evening, with mother's ring."
Violet. "Your mother would be very proud of you, as I am. You've come a very long way Nicholas, and all I want is your happiness. Yours and Rachel's happiness."
Nicholas gave her a tight squeeze. "Rachel and I are both going to be very happy grandmother, I promise you that."
Violet kissed the top of his head. "I know you are my love. So, when do I get to meet Miss Morgan?"
Nicholas smiled. "At the engagement ball three days from tonight. Or, if you would like to stay until then, I can arrange for her to come to Richmond hall to meet you here."
Violet. "Have it arranged so that the young lady comes here before the soirée, that way we can converse over tea. And that way things can be a little quieter."
Nicholas. "I can arrange that. I'll speak to her about it this evening after the proposal."
Violet. "That sounds lovely my dear. Now, if you will excuse me, I believe I'm going to retire to my chambers for a nap."
As Nicholas watched his grandmother carefully make her way upstairs with the help of her lady in waiting, Martha, he couldn't help but feel elation wash over him. Violet had approved of Amelia without even meeting her yet. She was anxious to meet her soon to be Grand daughter-in-law. His heart flying like butterfly wings, he walked back upstairs to his office to collect the ring and prepare himself, mentally and emotionally, for that evening's proposal.

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