Chapter 2. 1856 

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Three hours into the ball, Amelia was just stepping out of a conversation with a group of young ladies who had either lost or divorced their husbands, when she heard Cornelia calling her name. Turning her head, she smiled as the young Duchess walked over to her. "This is a wonderful soirée your grace."
Cornelia smiled, her green eyes sparkling. "I'm so glad you're enjoying it lady Tristan. I do hope I wasn't disturbing you, but there is someone I would love for you to meet."
Amelia felt her heart flutter. "Do you? I assume he is your new love interest?"
Cornelia giggled. "Sadly not, but he is newly single. I believe he's the most handsome bachelor here."
Fascinated by the prospect of meeting someone new, Amelia followed Cornelia across the candlelit ballroom and toured the  far corner of the room. As they came closer, she heard the sound of a group of gentlemen laughing and talking to one another.  She had no idea who this mystery gentleman was, but she was excited to meet him nonetheless.
As soon as the group of three gentlemen saw the young ladies, they stopped talking to admire them. All three were quite handsome. One of them had blonde hair and green eyes, the second one had chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes.
Amelia examined the first two gentlemen with interest, but soon found herself staring at the third gentleman. She felt her insides become hot. He was absolutely gorgeous. Tall and muscular, with dark brown hair and dark chocolate  eyes. He was wearing a three-piece black silk suit with a cream button up shirt, matching cravat, and black boots. And he was staring directly back at her. 
Cornelia smiled at the last gentleman. "Your grace, may I introduce you to a dear friend of mine, the right honorable lady Amelia Tristan, wife to baron George Tristan. Amelia my dear, allow me to introduce his grace, Lord Nicholas Stratford, the Duke of Richmond."
She was pure perfection. Champagne blonde curls fixed into a lovely chignon. A beautiful cream and pink complexion that was amplified by the candlelight. Diamond blue eyes that seemed to swirl with depths. And her full figure was absolutely scrumptious. Nicholas felt as if his body was going to explode. Lady Amelia Tristan needed to be his.
Amelia smiled at him, extending one gloved hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you your grace."
Nicholas took her hand, brushing his lips against her knuckles. "Likewise Lady Tristan. Care to accompany me for a waltz?"
Amelia felt her heart give a jolt. Not just because of his question, but because the way he kissed her hand made her toes curl. She gave him a soft smile. "I would be honored."
Smiling with satisfaction at her matchmaking skills, Cornelia turned and made her way back across to the other side of the ballroom. She was soon engaged with another gentleman, her eyes sparkling as he spoke with her.  She had a feeling that Amelia and Nicholas would be the perfect match.
Still holding her hand, Nicholas escorted Amelia onto the dance floor. He brought her against him as the waltz began, feeling how perfectly her body fit into his arms. He gazed at her. "So, you are the wife of George Tristan."
Amelia. "Sadly I am."
Nicholas raised one eyebrow. "Why is that?"
Amelia. "Our marriage wasn't one of love, but obligation."
Nicholas nodded. "How long have you been married?"
Amelia. "A year, but I do believe if his mistress gives him a son, he's going to annole it. We don't have any children together, which is just is fine with me. George is the last gentleman who I would ever want to have children with."
Nicholas felt his body burn, realizing that the woman before him was feisty.  Not to mention the fact that she was dropdead stunning. At the age of 28, he'd had several women. However, none of them had the passion or fire in their eyes  like Amelia did.
When the waltz came to an end, Nicolas and Amelia made their way out of the ballroom and toured the French double doors leading out onto the terrace. The night was clear and pleasant, the terrace decorated with twinkling fairy lights and candles. Several tables and chairs had been placed around the perimeter. Some of those tables and chairs were occupied by couples.
Nicholas turned to Amelia. "Where is Barron Tristan? Please forgive me for asking all these questions, I'm simply curious."
Amelia rolled her eyes. "Please your grace, ask any question you would like. George is currently in Scotland with his mistress, Margaret. She's due for her confinement next month, and when the child is born, and it is a boy, George is going to send word to me."
Nicholas. "I see. So, during these next several months, you are going to be unattached."
Amelia felt her skin become hot as his deep velvet voice wrapped around her heart. She had a feeling she knew what the Duke of Richmond was implying, and she was willing to be with him. In fact, she was wanting him and wanting to be with him. She swallowed hard, keeping her eyes on him. "Exactly."
Nicholas smiled, his eyes glittering. "Wonderful."
They gazed at each other, feeling the fire cascading through them. Desire and passion had begun to burn. They had plenty of time to allow that fire to morph from a spark to a full flame.

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