Chapter 7. 1856 

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On the evening of the ball one week later, Nicholas was standing in the entrance hall of Richmond Hall, welcoming his guests as they arrived in their carriages. He shook the hands of the gentleman and kissed the knuckles of the ladies, his smile polite yet genuine. As each young lady walked past him and into the ballroom, he noticed that all of them were wearing gowns of pastel colors. He tried not to roll his eyes, knowing that almost all of them were having their season. He also tried to not notice some of the gentleman giving him a look that suggested he was different from the rest of them.
Aside from his handsome appearance, well bred manners, and kind smile, there was one distinction about Nicholas that made him separate from his fellow gentleman. And that was his skin color. Of course, it wasn't very dark, not by any means. But he didn't have a fair complexion like some of his friends did. Instead, he had a lovely combination of both dark and light skin, giving him a Caramell complexion. He was very proud of that, proud of the fact that he had half of his fathers qualities and half of his mothers qualities. His sister Rachel had the same skin tone dark eyes and dark hair as well, which made him even more proud.
Richardson tapped Nicholas on the shoulder. "Your grace, if you're not expecting any further guests, I do believe it's time we retire to the dining room. Dinner is almost ready to be served."
Nicolas glared at his valet. "I'm expecting one more carriage Richardson. Give my final guest another five minutes to get here, and then we can proceed to the dining room."
Richardson didn't argue with his master, knowing that he couldn't win an argument anyway if he tried. "Yes your grace, I shall go and inform the other guests that dinner is going to be delayed a few minutes."
Two minutes after Richardson had left, Nicholas noticed one final carriage coming up the driveway toward Richmond hall. His heart was pounding as he noticed the driver stepping out of the carriage and walking around to help his occupant out. He knew it had to be Amelia. It just had to be. She was his guest of honor, as far as he was concerned.
Turning around to face him, Amelia was a vision of beauty. She was, however, covered by a black cloak, which hid whatever she was wearing underneath. But her eyes and smile said everything as she walked towards him. "Good evening your grace."
Nicholas smiled, stepping out of his home and making his way down the three stone steps to welcome her. "Good evening to you Lady Tristan."
Amelia smiled. "Actually your grace, my last name is no longer Tristan."
Nicholas raised one eyebrow with surprise. "Really? And what is your last name now?"
Amelia's eyes started dancing with happiness. "You may call me either Amelia or Miss Morgan."
Nicholas felt his heart give another jolt, happiness cascading through him. So George had finally been given a son by Margaret Allister, which meant that Amelia was no longer his wife and Baroness. She was a free woman, able to be with whoever she chose. Smiling brightly, he took her hand and escorted her into the entrance hall of his lovely estate. "I must offer my congratulations to you Miss Morgan."
Amelia smiled brilliantly, and then allowed her cloak to follow way and become a pool of black on the floor. Her beauty was revealed to the Duke of Richmond at that moment, and she knew she was having quite the effect on him. For that evening, she was wearing a gown of champagne silk with off the shoulder sleeves cream silk gloves and a sweetheart neckline. Iridescent crystals sparkled across the bodice of her gown, and had been intertwined into her braided chignon.
Nicholas felt his body spring to life, becoming inflamed with passion and desire. Amelia Morgan was a vision of pure beauty. And he knew he had to have her, especially now that she was single. Taking her hand, he brushed his lips softly against her knuckles. "My word, I must say that you are ravishing this evening."
Amelia felt her body tremble with pleasure, never having been told by anyone that she was ravishing, much less beautiful. Her eyes couldn't resist traveling across his delectable body. For that evening, he was wearing a three-piece black silk suit with a maroon waist coat cream button up shirt matching cravat and black boots. She smiled softly. "Thank you, and I must say that you are incredibly handsome this evening."
Nicholas. "Thank you. Now, since you have arrived, the ball can finally begin."
Throughout the evening, it was quite clear to everyone that the Duke of Richmond had formed a very strong attachment with Miss Amelia Morgan. No other gentleman approached her for a dance, and every young lady was staring at her with envy. No one questioned that Nicholas was honorable with his intentions, but they didn't know the extent of the relationship between the two of them.
Amelia was smiling from ear to ear as she was dancing with Nicholas. She knew that all of the young ladies were watching her, watching the two of them. She knew they were jealous, and they had every right to be. None of them were getting the attention from the Duke of Richmond that she was. And none of them ever would.
Nicholas was feeling the same way, watching the other gentleman squirming in their trousers and staring at Amelia as if she was a cake on a cake stand. He knew that none of them would have the opportunity to dance with her, much less put their hands on her. He was going to make sure that Amelia Morgan was his and his alone.

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