Chapter 16. 1857 

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On a cold but clear morning towards the middle of January, Amelia was seated at the breakfast table of Richmond Hall, enjoying a cup of tea and two scones. She was just putting a little cream onto one of her scones when she noticed Charlotte poking her head into the room. She smiled at her sweetly. "Well good morning."
Charlotte smiled back. "Good morning to you. Sorry if I was disturbing you, but I was told by the pageboy to give you this. He said it was important."
Amelia reached out for the envelope Charlotte was holding. "Thank you."
Charlotte. "Of course. Do you want me to stay and read it with you?"
Amelia looked at the envelope, her stomach doing somersaults. She had no idea what was inside that envelope, but was hoping it wasn't bad news. "Please, I would greatly appreciate that."
Charlotte took a seat next to Amelia as the two of them opened the envelope. Inside, they noticed three pieces of paper. One was a letter, and the other two were ledgers.
Charlotte. "Who do you think the letter is from?"
Amelia shook her head as she placed the letter and ledgers onto the table in front of them. "I'm not sure, but we are going to find out soon enough."
The two women leaned over the letter so they could both read what was written. They noticed that the penmanship was very neat, the letters swirling into perfect cursive sentences.
My dearest Amelia,
My name is William Morgan. I am a close friend of your fiancé, the Duke of Richmond. I know you don't remember me, and I don't expect you to. But I certainly know you. Ever since I saw you at the Christmas ball last month, I've been trying to find and form the words to express my pure happiness.
I don't entirely know how to tell you this, but Robert isn't the only sibling you have. Your father, Viscount Gregory Morgan, had three children. He had Robert, you, and one more child. This third child was in between you and Robert, and had the same mother and father as you did. Unfortunately, Robert was incredibly jealous of that child and took him away from you when you were just an infant and that child was three years old.
This middle child was the favorite of Viscount Morgan, and on the ledger that is with this letter, you'll find the word "Lord" written beside the middle child's first name. Which means that Robert isn't the true Viscount Morgan as he believes he is.
I do hope that you won't be overwhelmed by this news, and that you and I can meet face-to-face.
William Morgan
Amelia and Charlotte stared at the letter for several minutes, reading and rereading it over and over again. It couldn't be, William couldn't be Amelia's full-blooded brother. Or could he? Their eyes met before they turned their attention to the ledger beside the letter. Their eyes traveled across the information that was written, both of them gasping with shock.
It was quite clear that Gregory had three children. Robert was from his first mistress, a young woman by the name of Cecily Parker. But William and Amelia were both from his wife, Elizabeth. Which meant that Robert was indeed a bastard, and William was the true Viscount Morgan. And Amelia's brother.
Amelia was shaking, tears flowing from her eyes. She had a brother, a brother that had been taken from her by Robert out of jealousy. The second ledger had confirmed that information. She hadn't seen William since she was a baby, and didn't even know him. And yet he knew her. He was wanting to meet her, face-to-face. He was wanting them to reunite.
Charlotte hugged her tightly. "My dearest Amelia, this is the most wonderful news!"
Amelia started sobbing into her chest. "I have a brother!"
At that moment, Richardson poked his head into the room. "Miss Morgan, I do hate to disturb you, but there is a young gentleman who is waiting in the parlor. He says that he would like to speak with you."
Her heart pounding like butterfly wings, Amelia wiped her eyes, fixed the skirts of her dusty pink gown, and slowly stood up. She had a feeling she knew exactly who that gentleman was, and she was ready to meet him. She followed Richardson downstairs and into the parlor. Upon entering the room, she noticed the same handsome blonde gentleman with blue eyes waiting for her.
Without any hesitation, William moved quickly across the room and took his sister right into his arms. "My dearest Amelia!"
Amelia started crying again as she buried her face against his chest. She couldn't speak, her throat becoming tight with happiness. She was in the arms of her brother, her full blooded brother.

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