Chapter 6. 1856

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Over the next six weeks, Nicholas and Amelia had the opportunity to spend more time together. They enjoyed afternoon tea and picnics outside when the weather was nice. They enjoyed operas and several orchestra concerts. They did, however, resist the urge to kiss one another. They knew it would cause quite a scandal if the duke of Richmond gave himself over completely to his passion and seduced Baroness Tristan. However, there was no denying the fact that there was chemistry between them.
On a chilly morning towards the middle of November, Amelia was enjoying her breakfast of vanilla scones with clotted cream and raspberry preserves with a cup of tea, when she noticed the pageboy walking into the breakfast room. She smiled at him sweetly. "Good morning Pedro."
Pedro smiled back and gave her a bow. "Good morning my lady, I do hope I wasn't disturbing you but this letter came for you."
Amelia took the letter from him, noticing that it was written in her husband's handwriting. "Thank you, you may leave."
Pedro turned and left the room without another word.
Her heart pounding like wildfire against her ribs, Amelia carefully opened the letter from George, removing the one sheet of paper from the envelope and placing it onto the breakfast table in front of her. Her eyes started scanning the brief but informative letter. Her eyes went wide with shock as she read what was written.
Lady Tristan,
Margaret and I are going to be happily married by the beginning of January. She has given birth to my son, and he is the most beautiful jewel I have ever seen as for you and I, the annulment is final. I'll be coming later this evening to collect the jewelry that you own to give to Margaret.
As for Tristan hall, you may remain there until January when Margaret and I come to take it. You may do whatever you would like with the holiday season, but once we arrive you are no longer welcome. I'll also be leaving you 5000 pounds.
Yours, respectfully,
George Tristan
Amelia couldn't believe it. George had a son. He was going to marry Margaret. Margaret Alastair was going to become the right honorable Lady Margaret Tristan by the beginning of January. George was allowing her to stay at Tristan Hall for the remainder of the holiday season, and was going to give her 5000 pounds. Their marriage, as far as she and George were concerned, was over. She was a free woman.
Noticing another folded piece of paper in the envelope along with George's letter, Amelia carefully removed it, opened it, and felt her heart sore with happiness. It was divorce papers. Her eyes traveled across each line, reading every detail carefully. As declared by George, Tristan Hall was going to belong to him and Margaret upon their arrival in January. Every piece of jewelry, except the necklace that Amelia wore from her mother, was going to belong to Margaret.
Amelia was beaming from ear to ear as she elegantly signed the divorce papers. She was no longer Amelia Tristan, Baroness Tristan. She was back to being Miss Amelia Morgan, the daughter of Viscount Gregory Morgan. She and Nicholas could finally allow their scandalous affair to be out in the open for the public to view. At last, she could allow her feelings that had been harbor for the Duke for the last six weeks to explode and be free.
Placing the signed divorce papers back into the envelope, Amelia made her way upstairs to her chamber and toward her dressing table. Opening the top drawer, she removed a deep red velvet box and opened it. Her eyes traveled along each piece of glorious jewelry that glittered beneath the blazing sunlight. She knew that Margaret was going to adore the large and dazzling multi colored gemstones that hung across the bracelet earrings necklace and ring collection that was inside the box. She, on the other hand, was more of a simple woman who adored diamonds and pendants.
After making sure all of the jewelry was perfect, Amelia placed the box aside and removed a deep blue velvet pouch from the same top drawer. Pulling open the silk strings, she removed her mothers necklace and smiled down at it. Thank goodness George hadn't wanted that necklace. She wouldn't give it to anyone. It was hers.
Charlotte poked her head into the room a few minutes later. "What are you doing my lady?"
Amelia turned to smile at her brightly. "I don't believe you're going to be calling me my lady any longer Charlotte. Miss Morgan will do just fine."
Charlotte gasped, her eyes going wide and her hand covering her mouth. "My dear Amelia, do you mean to tell me that..."
Amelia. "Yes, George and I have officially ended our marriage. Margaret Alastair has given him a son, and he has found his true Baroness."
The two women squealed as they embraced one another tightly. This was happy news indeed. There was also another piece of happy news. Before receiving her former husbands letter, Amelia had received an invitation to Nicholas Stratford's ball the previous day, and she was definitely going. However, she wasn't going as a married woman. Oh no, she was going as a single and eligible young lady.

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