Chapter 3. 1856 

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By midnight that same evening, the ball was coming to a close. The final three hours had been very productive. One hour had been spent enjoying dinner while the other two hours had been swirling with music and dancing. All of the guests were exhausted and ready to return home.
Throughout those remaining three hours, Nicholas and Amelia hadn't left each other's side. Their seats at dinner had been next to each other, and they had enjoyed dancing with one another for several sets of dances. They had formed quite the connection, noticing that they had several things in common. They both enjoyed the arts and literature, going to the opera and horseback riding, and taking strolls during pleasant weather. They also discovered that they had siblings. Nicholas had a younger sister named Rachel and Amelia had Robert.
Stepping outside towards the circular area where the carriages were waiting, Nicholas located Amelia's carriage and helped her inside. Smiling, he took her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles. "I had a wonderful evening with you Lady Tristan."
Amelia smiled back. "Likewise your grace, I had a wonderful time with you as well."
Nicholas noticed something twinkle, and looking down, saw that Amelia had a blue diamond heart shaped pendant around her neck. Reaching out, he gently picked it up to examine it. "This is beautiful."
Amelia felt her heart flutter as his fingertips brushed against her neck. "Thank you, it was my mothers. She gave it to me before she died."
Nicolas. "Well, it's a lovely piece of jewelry."
Amelia. "Thank you."
With another kiss upon her knuckles, Nicholas turned and climbed into his carriage. Leaning back against the tufted seat, he tapped on the carriage roof and asked the driver to take him back to Richmond Hall. He was hoping that Cornelia was going to host another soirée so he could see Amelia again.
Settling back against the seat of her carriage, Amelia was feeling the same way. She was hoping and praying that Cornelia was going to host another ball so she and Nicholas could reunite once again. She knew one thing, the Duke of Richmond was nothing like Barron Tristan. And she couldn't wait to come into the path of Nicholas once more.
Smiling from a far as she watched her favorite couple of the evening separate from each other and climb into their carriages for the night, Cornelia was quite satisfied. She would be hosting another ball the following week, just to ensure that Nicholas and Amelia had the opportunity to see each other again. She was also wanting to ensure that she saw her favorite gentleman, the dashing and handsome Lord Richard Francis, the Duke of Suffolk. Climbing into her carriage, she settled back against the seat and closed her eyes, her smile never fading from her lips.
Three days later, Amelia was seated at the breakfast table of Tristan Hall, enjoying a plate of scones and a cup of tea. She was smiling with happiness, having received a letter from Cornelia inviting her to another ball the following week. She was going to get to see Nicholas again, be in his company and in his arms for another waltz.
Placing Cornelia's letter aside, Amelia turned her attention to the envelope underneath. Her happy bubble burst as she noticed the letter from George. What was he wanting now? Taking a deep breath, she picked up her husband's letter and opened it to read what was written.
Lady Tristan,
I am writing to inform you that Margaret and I are engaged. The doctors have assured me that Margaret is going to be giving me a son, so I have decided to ask for her hand in marriage. Once the child is born, I'll send word to you again and we can discuss finalizations for our annulment.
Yours, respectfully,
George Tristan
Amelia couldn't think properly as she read and reread her husband's letter. George no longer wanted to be married to her. He had asked Margaret for her hand, and the two of them were engaged. Her happy bubble became filled once again, this time with even bigger fireworks of joy. Once George had his son, he would ask her for an annulment. They wouldn't have to see each other ever again. They would no longer have to be in the same house.
Amelia was smiling from ear to ear. Within a matter of a few short weeks, she was no longer going to be married to George. She could finally be a free woman and marry whoever she chose. However, what if Margaret didn't give George a boy? What if she gave him a girl instead? George would be furious. And then what?
Amelia swallowed hard, not wanting to think about the possibilities. Until the child was born, there was no way of knowing what the outcome of her life was going to be. For the moment, all she could think about was the upcoming ball at Cornelius home. And the chance to see the Duke of Richmond again.

A Scandalous Affair (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora