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They say that when one door to happiness closes, another door to happiness opens. But many people focus only on the door that has closed and don't realize that another door to happiness exist.

It's possible that other doors to happiness isn't all that special or grand. It's possible that small and trivial things that don't look that special, might be that other door to happiness. As long as you don't stay in front of the closed door and look behind you to the other door to happiness before it's too late.

If you gather the courage to walk toward that door you might be able to find great happiness that you never knew existed.

You can't let anyone else define you. Of course, there's always gonna be people out there who just don't want you to live your best life. The trick is not becoming one of them.

The things is we can never be what we want to be as long as it's not part of our destiny or fate to become that thing. Life is hard, life is sweet but the most beautiful thing about life are the memories we shared with our love one's, the smiles, the joys and the happiness we feel whenever we're with the people we love the most in our life.

Muhammad thought his life will come to and end after the door to his happiness closes forgetting that another door has already been open to them ever since Falak entered their lives.

Muhammad forgets that there is already a reason to why things happen in our life. As long as we live, we all will realize that one day that there was a reason behind everything we went through.

And he has realized the reason why he went through so many things in his life. Muhammad vowed to never be like his father, he only want to be the best version of himself which his family will be proud to have.

He will make sure he never make them go through something that will cause them pain. He just know that no one is perfect but he will try to be the best perfect version of himself and as long as Falak is by his side, they will cross all hurdles and victory will be their own.

Muhammad picked the letter his mother gave to him. After so many years he find the courage to read it and he hope he will not regret doing that.

Dear Muhammad,

"Apology is a lovely perfume, it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift." By Margaret Lee Rubber.

Whenever you're reading this letter maybe I'm gone to a place I will never return but if there is anything I'm proud of in my life, is nothing but having you and your sisters as my children.

Life is not fair to all of us but don't try to live your life regretting why things didn't happen according to how you want it.

Live your life to the fullest, cherish all the moment because we only got one chance in our life. I can't say I'm sorry for what I did to you because even if my heart regret why I did that, my broken and fragile heart feels I deserve a better life.

Choose good and best spouses for your sisters,  don't let them make the mistake I did in my life because if that happen they will be stained for life. Look after Ai'dah and colour her life with colourful stars that will shine her path.

Never use the word, "if" because the word "If" sounds very sad. Maybe it's because I know how much that word means when you're dealing with something that's so hard to accept. I guess that's why the word "if" sounds so sad to me. So never use it.

Love is engrave in our hearts. True love ought to be engraved in your heart too so give love a chance to engrave in your heart also.

Muhammad I heard there are three types of people you should never forget. People who help you when you're stuck. People who leave you alone when you're stuck. And people who cornered you into a situation.

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