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Falak was unconscious ever since Alina unveiled the truth from them and now the police has been investigating on the case over again drawing the attention of the people and before you know it's all over the world.

Muhammad vowed to avenge for her sister's death but now that he know the truth why isn't that the truth only hurt. How can his mother do this?.

He just couldn't wrap his head to accept the whole truth, because it hurt. Hearing the truth hurt him more than when he heard about Ai'dah's case. It's true that he doesn't deserve Falak because he has been doing nothing but hurting her.

His presence hurts her and ever since she came into his life, he has been doing nothing but hurting her and he don't even know how to face her. His own mother, saying it felt heavy on his lips.

His parents has already been arrested. His father, his step mother, his brother and his mother. All of them.

Muhammad had no idea on how his sisters lived knowing the whole truth especially Alina because she was the one that held the biggest secret anomg them.

"How are you coping?," Ayan asked Muhammad.

Ayan know that not all the time a person need pity or words of encouragement in their life. Most of the time, they just want to be left alone to their miseries and that's what he is doing now.

"I don't know," Muhammad said as he look at his mother's part remembering some moments he shared with her and he doubt if they will ever share some of those moment again.

"They will kill her right?," Muhammad asked.

He just know that she has to be hanged but he don't know why his mouth asked. Maybe deep down he want to have a clue to help her. Even though she did something bad she is his mother and a part of him doesn't want her to be punished.

"As long as she is found guilty," Ayan said.

He don't know what Muhammad is feeling but he can tell that he is going through much.

Muhammad releases a shaky breath as he tried to fan his face. He didn't take his eyes from whatever he is staring at. He don't know for his sisters but he know that they hide in somewhere and they're crying their eyes out.

They're the ones that got hurt at the end of everything. Muhammad didn't know what to do to aid them because they're broken, their parents happens to be the people that shattered their life in a way it will never be mended and he don't know from where to start.

One thing Muhammad know is that all of them will end up behind bars and his sisters will have nobody by their side and that's what he is scared of because when they're around, they neglect them and they find themselves in the situation they're and he don't know what will happen now that there is no one by their side.

"They will be okay right?," Muhammad asked Ayan in a cold distant voice.

"Muhammad sometimes the things that matter to you the most are always the things that hurt you the most. I don't know if they will be okay but they all need your help, you're now their only family and please don't shatter that last hope they have," Ayan said as he give Muhammad a manly hug.

"They need you more than anything now in their lives," Ayan continued.

Muhammad only hold his head as the pain keep increasing, "it will be hard but it will be over with time," Ayan said before he stood up to go and check how things are going inside the house.

Muhammad carried his numb legs to his part and straight to Falak's room. He pushed her room slowly and from a far he can see her in a sitting position, he don't know when he released a sigh of relief. Muhammad can see her sister Jaleela crying as she hold her sister's hand.

"Please come let's leave this place, Mom said I should not come back to that house without you please let's go Adda Falak," Jaleela said as she tried to reason with her sister.

Muhammad didn't want to eardrop on their conversation but his mind want to and the selfish part want Falak to stay with him.

Muhammad stared at Falak wanting to hear her response, he want to know what she will say even though his mind is not at ease because her answer can be yes but he prayed silently that it shouldn't.

"Jaleela nothing has happened to me I'm alright," Falak said as she hold her sister's hand.

She is still shocked by the news, but she has to make sure that she act normal for herself, her family and her new family. She has to be there for them especially in this kind of situation.

Falak find it hard to believe that Muhammad's mother is the one that killed her sister. She find the woman to be attractive and easy going but how did she end of being evil.

"Adda Falak I know but something would have happened to you, Yaya Jaleel is worried for you, Dad, Mom and Yaya Sagir, we all are worried Adda," Jaleela said her voice coming out low due to how she has been crying for long.

"I know that but Jaleela if I leave who would look after Ai'dah, Alina and Anisa?," Falak asked.

Jaleela scoff as she look at her sister, "Why isn't that you don't care about yourself Adda Falak, why can't you be selfish for your own sake Adda even for once?," Jaleela said.

Falak smile at her sister, "Getting revenge means that I must hurt them Jaleela. But I'm scared to do that. I don't want revenge. I want to vanish while I'm this pretty. Back then I want nothing but to take revenge on them but now I don't want that Jaleela because it will only make me be a bad person and even Anam will not want me to do that Jaleela,"

"It's not their fault that their parents are like this, let's help them, let's forget about everything. Let's live a little longer and become a little happier," Falak said.

Jaleela look at her sister as she wipe her tears, truth be told it's not their fault that their parents are like this and she don't want to be the bad person because of revenge, "Let's live a little longer and become a little happier." Jaleela said as she hug her sister.

Muhammad heard everything and he feel ashame to meet her, he doesn't deserve someone like her, like them in their life. They caused nothing but pain to them but they wish nothing but good to them. Are they even humans?.

Muhammad's mind asked him. He use his hand to cover his mouth. "Oh my Allah!" Muhammad chocked a sob from the doorway.

His heart sized, and he drop his gaze from them and hide in a corner they will not see him.

Why isn't that Muhammad feel like loneliness is better than pain. It is far more better than this pain he is having.

The pain that Anam died because of him and his daughter, the pain that his brother ruined her life, the pain that his brother ruined his daughters life and stained it for eternity, the pain that his step mother has a hand on it, the pain that Raheena is also a victim, the pain that his sister's are victims of this injustice.

The pain that Falak was in the middle of this injustice caused by his family,  the pain that his own father is also someone he never know and the unbearable pain he is having is the one cause by his mother, his own mother.

Muhammad sat down staring at nothingness, wanting to scream but there was no voice, wanting to cry but there was no tears. Undoubtedly there was increased pain in his chest and he don't know how to erase that pain from his chest.

He feel useless that he couldn't even look at Falak in the eyes, he feel ashame that he couldn't ask for her forgiveness, he feel numb that there is no words he can use to tell her how sorry he is for everything.

Muhammad stared at nothing as he asked himself this question.

"If today was his last day,  what would he do?"









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