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The next day, Ai'dah was running a severe fever and she was not able to go to school. Falak has bathed her but the fever kept getting worse and if she is not okay by noon. She would have to take her to hospital.

Finally the girl has fallen into a deep slumber but Falak couldn't leave her side after what she saw on her body today. Different scars were all over her body. She already know what it means and she can't even talk to Muhammad because she don't think if he will ever agree.

She don't want this lonely orphan girl to have a painless destiny nor a hurtful fate. She don't want that to happen to her.

"I know that you will hate me because as a father I'm suppose to protect you from all evil but this father is also hopeless and that's why he is going to sacrifice his other daughter again,"

"Just know that you're going there for your sister and nothing else. Clear her name and bring back the good image of this house Falak. Please I beg you."

These are her Father's words to her and she don't know if Ai'dah's case will lead her to her sister's murder or not but something keeps telling her that the cases are related somehow.

The tension of the room was becoming more and more displeasing. "How is she?" Muhammad asked.

Falak rolled her eyes at him. She is not ready to answer him because he has eyes, he can see for himself and she is still angry at him. "Last time I checked you have eyes and nothing is wrong with your sight," Falak said.

"Falak look here! I know that I'm wrong and I'm sorry but you suspecting my brother for something bad doesn't make sense at all," Muhammad said.

"You know what, I don't care whether you agree with me or not but from now I will be the one taking care of Ai'dah and you can go to hell if you want. And I promise you this you will cry with your own eyes the day you find the truth."

Before Muhammad could reply her a voice startled them and they hurriedly went to see what's causing such noise this early morning.

Alina was rushing to them with tears that keep falling from her eyes and she doesn't bother to wipe them.

"Ya Muhammad," Alina called.

"What's wrong with you Alina, why are you crying," Muhammad asked.

"A...A..An__" Alina was not able to make a proper word not alone tell them what's happening.

"Take this," Falak gave her a cup filled with water. "Now inhale and exhale," Falak said.

Alina did as she was told. "Now tell us what's happening?" Falak asked.

"Yaya please go and save Anisa if not Abba will kill her today, please Yaya" Alina said.

"What happened to her?" Muhammad asked.

"She didn't sleep at home yesterday and dad found out. He will kill her Yaya if you didn't save her," Alina said.

"You know what stay here with Ai'dah and don't go anywhere," Falak said.
Muhammad didn't want to argue with Falak again so he go with the idea of Alina staying with Ai'dah before they come back.

Truth be told Muhammad's father is beating Anisa and no one tried to stop him.

"What kind of house is this?" Falak said under her breath.

An evil smile was plastered on Rayan's face and his mother too was enjoying the scene as if they planned everything. Anisa's mother hide in a corner shedding tears.

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