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Ai'dah wrapped her small figure as if a monster will eat her if she gives him access to any part of her body.

The Bawa's mansion is filled with different guest, relatives, politicians and many other people that came to celebrate with them.

Being one of the son of a politician Muhammad receives many well wishes after the Nikkah was tied in the mosque today.

He don't know if he should be happy or not.

The bride will be conveyed to her matrimonial house today and his part was well furnished for a new bride that will be welcomed by her in-laws.

The mansion is lively as everyone goes up and down the place. Some are happy for the union while some are not especially those that didn't get the chance to marry their daughter's to Muhammad.

The happy ones couldn't held it because baby Ai'dah will finally have a mother but the small girl is not happy to begin with in the first place.

She sneaked into her room despite the scolding from her grandma not to go there because her new momma will be conveyed and they don't want anything to go wrong.

But the girl couldn't hold the sight of people.

She want to be alone.

She suppose to be happy because she will soon have a mum but she is not.

She felt depressed and pain all over her body.

He ruined her again even on the day she suppose to be happy.

He always do this again and again.

Leaving her with nothing but nightmares that has become a part of her.

"If you make sure this goes out of this room. I will kill you and you will never see you Father again."

These are his words and because she don't want to lose the only person that means the world to her she kept quite.

The blasting of music filled the house as the people dance to their happiness but Ai'dah didn't move from her bed.

There was a pain inside her and she wonder if she will ever get healed.

They say she is always alone.

She's alone in the darkness. No one can recognise her if she keeps being lonely. Why? Because she has to be alone on her own.

That feeling.....they can't even imagine it, can they?.

But Ai'dah know that feeling. She always felt it.

And she wished that no one would look at her or know her so that she could just be alone.

The Night was silent. The stars were no where to be found. The moon also hide into the dark sky.

One would tell that something horrible has happened. Even the night wind is not there as if the bride commit a huge crime to receive something like this from the night.

At exactly 8:00pm the Bawa mansion is filled as the cars parked in front of the mansion.

The residents of the Bawa's were all set to receive their bride.

The yoldeings of elders was all your ears will receive from afar.

Falak on the other hand was not happy but she concealed her unhappiness with a smile.

Just like how every girl dream of how her wedding day would look like.

Even if she would not have an extravagant wedding but at least it's a day that's meant for her and all the things that will make her happy on that day even if it's in imagination.

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