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“It was a cool and breezy evening. A strong gust of wind blew against her face.” “It was a bright and sunny morning. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky.

Falak was staring at the new case she was assigned to. She don't know from where to start but the case needs proper investigation, "SENATOR BARAU WAS SHOT TO DEATH BY ARMED ROBBERS YESTERDAY AT HIS HOUSE."

Falak read the news over and over again hoping she will get an insight to how she will go with the case but her brain is just block at that time. For over an hour after she visited the Senator's house, she tried to look at the case but her brain is not working, nothing is making sense out of the small evidence she gathered.

She don't know from where to start plus his family are not even co-operating. She is just held in one place and she don't think she has all the time to herself alone. The case is not just an ordinary case because his wife said they didn't intend to kill him but after her husband saw the man's face, he shot him.

She didn't tell her the face of the person she saw because she said she didn't see him but Falak can tell that the woman is lying. There is fear in her eyes, something that held her and it's like she was threatened. As long as the woman doesn't say anything Falak doubt if she will win this case.

She was so lost thinking of many possible ways that will make her tackle the case that she didn't even know that Muhammad was in the room.

Falak turned to look at her husband so that she can look at him completely before she offered him her million-dollar smile.

"Welcome back" Falak said.

Muhammad kissed her forehead before he sat close to her.

"How is work?," Falak asked.

"Very stressful," Muhammad replied

"How did the surgery go," Falak asked because there was a patient they will be operating Today.

"We've tried our best and leave the rest to him," Muhammad looked into her eyes and smile.

"You look beautiful Today," Muhammad said to lighten the mood.

"You don't look bad either," She said to him because she has totally accept this marriage.

She said this to herself that Muhammad is not a bad choice, he is just someone who made mistake and refuse to accept the reality that's staring at him but deep down she knew that he is a good person.

One thing with life is how it always surprise you with many things. When you thought you've gone through a many puddles in your life, then you will come across something that will make you appreciate the life you're living no matter how small it is.

Falak have never dreamt of Muhammad to be her husband nor has she ever want a luxurious life, rather a small life surrounded with a circle of people that will make her feel wanted and whenever she think of quitting, giving up or end everything because of something; that is when life holds her down telling her it's time she change her life and the people around her.

And when she looked at it from a positive view, her mind always tell her that they're hearts to mend, hearts to heal and hearts to make happy.

For example; how can a girl who was raped bring back her sanity?, Just like Ai'dah.

How can a woman who was abused by her husband gets her freedom?, Just like her mother-in-laws.

How can a girl who was married at young age, who dream of becoming something in life fulfill those dreams?.

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