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Muhammad couldn't hold his tears. He gasps for air as his lungs threatened to collapse.

His mind and heart raced against time but at that time, the time never stopped and it was like he was caged, caged in his own world.

He could still hear Raheena's voice echoing in his ears like a loud speaker but he was lost and his eyes saw nothing but a complete darkness.

There was a certain pain in him, that pain that's stopping him from moving forward and right before his eyes, he can picture that pain coming towards him smiling like the devil he is as he kept approaching him.

Muhammad wished it was a bad dream and that the dream will not come true but then, who is he joking with?.

That dream he is afraid of, is true, staring at him. He just couldn't understand himself at that moment because the truth was staring right in front of him for years but he never accepted it. His own brother, the only brother he thought will look after his family after he disappeared but sadly he was the one that ruined his life.

Falak was telling him the truth, she keep showing him the truth, she used signs, she used words, actions but still he ignored her.

"I'm sorry to say this but I don't think you're capable enough to be a father and you failed your wife Afreen, Muhammad. I wonder how you will look at her in the eyes hadn't been she is alive for neglecting her daughter like this."

"You will regret this one day Muhammad, you will regret ever neglecting the Amanah that was given to you," Muhammad still remember Falak's words ringing in his brain. He had no idea that a day like this will come in this life where he will have to face this bitter truth.

How can the person he share blood with, the person he thought will look after what he left after he is no more is the person behind his pain and misery.

He cried and cried till his heart couldn't hold the pain any longer. Muhammad heard Falak and Raheena's conversation and he just couldn't bring himself to accept that this happened to his daughter and Anam. He just couldn't gather his thoughts in one place because the truth is too much for him to bear all at once.

Muhammad sat down staring at nothing, wanting to scream but there was no voice, wanting to cry but there was no tears. Undoubtedly there was increased pain in his chest.

Two arms engulfed him into a heartwarming hug and like a switch was turned on the tears flowed relentlessly his breath seizing at intervals, it was then it hit him and hit him hard.

The tears wouldn't stop falling. Muhammad felt pain like he never felt before especially when Ai'dah and Anam's face flashed into his eyes.
He failed them. He failed Ai'dah as a father and he also failed Anam. He just couldn't look Falak in the eyes because it's all his fault. They killed her, they killed her sister.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't know, I've no idea and you keep showing me the signs but I never followed them,"

Muhammad said his heart aching with every word he uttered. The pain is there and he don't know how to rip that pain from his chest.

"Shhhh it's okay look at me," Falak said as she turn his face to look at her.

Muhammad's eyes were red as he wipes his tears. He just couldn't look at her after what he found. His breath was warm on her neck.

Muhammad didn't face her, he look at anywhere in that place but not her eyes. He can't look into those eyes that always give him comfort because he doesn't deserve that comfort now.

"You see what's in the past will never change. Regretting what has already happened will just keep you stuck in the past but since you can change your present.  Since you can change your future. Don't waste time regretting the past."

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