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Ai'dah will start therapy as per Falak's wish after what she did the other day. At first Muhammad was against the idea of Falak taking her to see a doctor because to him his daughter is well but after what she did the other day. He agreed that she should start a therapy.

Falak choses a male doctor for Ai'dah, while she chose a female doctor for Alina and Alisa because those two need therapy also. She can't say for Riyam because she is not close to her and anytime Falak tried to come close to her.

Riyam end up pushing her away. She can see it in her eyes that the girl is also lonely and deep in her eyes, she hide a fear or maybe something she don't want people to know but whatever the case maybe, Falak tried to find out for herself.

Those children are damaged, they need help and Falak feared what their parents will tell their creator on the day of judgment concerning the Amanah he gave them. Today Ai'dah will start her own and Falak decide to escort her and see how she will behave before she leaves her with the doctor.

"Are you ready for this?," Falak looked at Ai'dah and asked.

"I'm scared" Ai'dah said her voice cold and distant. Falak pity the 10 year old girl because before she even know how the world is, what it stored for her, or how she will plan to spend her days on earth, her life was snatched away from her.

This is not just her childhood that was snatched away from her but her life because she has to live with this taboo, pain, depression, heartbreak and brokenness till blue in the face.
Her life will never be like all those fairy tale stories, nor will it be something she will be proud to write a story when she was asked to because there is nothing that's fascinating about her life. It was coloured in pain and she live in that pain.

"Everything will be okay, you will be okay Ai'dah, you have a bright future ahead of you, you just have to hold on for a little longer," Falak told her.

She can't lose this chance she got because it takes a lot of persuasion before Ai'dah open up to her. It takes like forever before she told her the person behind her miseries and she is not going to let this chance slide away from her.

She will protect her first before she get revenge for this poor girl.
Falak didn't tell Muhammad because he will do something stupid and end up ruining her plan and she don't want that to happen. She will take things slowly and exact her revenge.

Falak hold Ai'dah's hand as she knocked on the doctor's office. Dr Abduljalal was already waiting for them in his office.

"Good morning ma'am, please have a seat," Doctor Abduljalal said smiling.

Falak return the smile as they take the sit he offered to them.

"Ai'dah don't you know how to greet," Falak said.

Ai'dah felt odd and she don't like the way the doctor is smiling at her but she manage to greet him, "Good morning." 

Ai'dah keeps playing with her fingers nervously as Falak and the doctor conversed.

"Should we start then," The doctor said.

Falak can hear how Ai'dah's body react to what the doctor said. She hold Falak tight as if the doctor will also hurt her too. Her heart keeps beating fast as sweat covers her forehead.

Ai'dah was looking at the doctor with no reaction, she was just staring at him emotionless because in those eyes she stare at. She was seeing the image of her Uncle, his murderous gaze on her, warning her not to say anything.

She can hear distant voices calling her but she was trying to uncaged herself from that injustice fight she find herself in.

"Ai'dah!" Falak called her name and that's when she came back to her senses. Falak can see the fear in her eyes and she wonder what's making her act like this.

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