9 - 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜

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Adeline and Saige were able to get dropped off at home by their father but unfortunately, he had to stay at the hospital. Their mother was able to meet them at home so she could watch over Adeline and make sure nothing bad happened to her.

 Saige helped her sister up the stairs and into Adeline's room holding onto her just in case anything were to happen.

"Saige I'm fine, I'm going to take an Advil and a nap. I'll be fine by myself for like 2 hours." Adeline said getting slightly annoyed with all the hovering from her family.

"Okay, if you say so. But if you need anything then let me know." Adeline nodded and walked over to her closet to change into something more comfortable. She changed into an oversized sweatshirt and some shorts. Walking over to her bed Adeline's phone that was on her desk buzzed with a text message.

Jasper Hale

How are you feeling miss Adeline?


I'm doing better sir Jasper. Thanks for checking on me.

Jasper Hale

No problem and I'm glad you're feeling better.


Me too. I gotta go take a nap my head is still killing me.

Jasper Hale

Sleep well then.

Adeline closed out her messages and went into her desk drawer, she grabbed the bottle of Advil and her water and took an Advil. She waited a little bit before laying down for her nap. Adeline was dreaming. Something she didn't often do but this dream was almost like seeing a memory, everything replaying so she could fully comprehend what happened. It was of her and the accident when it happen everything felt so fast but in the dream, she saw everything happening in flashbacks, this time things were more clear.

The dream:

Bella and Adeline turn to look at the cause of the screeching and sliding of tires on ice and see a van heading straight for them. Bella shoving Adeline in front of her like a human shield. Adeline grabbing onto Bella to steady herself on the ice. Bella to slipping on the ice as Adeline pushes her. Bella slipping just far enough away the van wouldn't touch her. The van sliding towards Adeline. Jasper appearing out of nowhere and grabbing Adeline's waist and holding her protectively against his chest saving her from the van's first attempt to kill her but not from her hitting her head against the icy pavement. Jasper's inhuman strength leaving dents in the van as his hands shot up in front of Adeline, protecting her from the van falling on top of her. Him swinging her legs away right where the van finally stopped skidding against the ice. The ride in the ambulance to the hospital. The unbearable brightness that surrounded her. Closing her eyes and burning her head in Saige's neck to try and escape the brightness and pain.  

End dream

Adeline woke up quickly, from the dream. It freaked her out, especially since she didn't dream often and the dream felt so real it was scary. 

The vibes in her room were off like someone was watching her. "Mom? Saige?" she called out into the room, no one responded so she tried again. "Buttons?" This time she did receive an answer, a small chirp from her cat. This made her relax more, Buttons always calmed her down. Adeline slowly got up from her bed, her head still hurt while the brightness issue still lingered. She made her way downstairs to eat something. The rest of her after and the evening was spent relaxing and enjoying the gentle rain tapping on her windows in her sitting area along with the gloominess that Forks brought. Most didn't enjoy it but today at that moment Adeline was some of the few that did enjoy the rain and gloominess of Forks.

For the rest of the week, she kept having the same dream every time she went to sleep and the same feeling of someone watching her when she woke up. It was mainly at night when she got the feeling of someone watching her. It was strange and worrying, she just wanted to get back to school so she could see Jasper.


Carlisle had strongly urged them to go back to school to make sure no one was suspicious of them. The school day had ended and the Cullen children weren't really talking to each other. When they got home Carlise called for a family meeting in the dining room seeing as they didn't have a use for it.

"Jasper, can you tell us the full story of what happened?" Carlisle asked, officially starting the meeting. Jasper looked up from the table and at his family who were watching him intently. If this were any other human other than Adeline (who Rosalie had grown quite fond of) she would have been FURIOUS that one of her family members saved them.

Jasper cleared his throat an unnecessary action but it helped ease some of the tension that was starting to build within the room. "Adeline had walked over to Bella Swan to talk to her about something. I had already started walking over to Saige to talk to her and so when the van came sliding towards her, I- I had to save her. I couldn't let her die." He paused looking at Carlise, "Carlise I think she's my mate." Jasper finished. Esme and Alice looked at each other with wide smiles, Edward rolled his eyes. 

Rosalie smiled softly at the thought of Adeline being a part of her family. She never really liked what she was but after Emmett and possibly with the addition of Adeline she wouldn't mind the life she never fully accepted. Emmett smiled knowing this would be splendid teasing fuel against Jasper. Carlise was thinking about what he said, "Are you sure?" he finally said.

"I'm pretty positive. I think we all know that I wouldn't go saving any human. She's different" Jasper said.

"I'm not even sure she's human." Rosalie interrupted, louder than her usual voice. Carlise and the others looked at her with confusion.

"What do mean Rose?" Esme asked.

"Her scent. It's not like any other human. I don't know what she is but I don't think she's human. Jasper doesn't even struggle with his bloodlust around her, which is strange because he's been struggling for a while now, and even if I was thirsty her blood doesn't appeal to me either." Rosalie explained pointing out her main reasons. This made a few light bulbs go off in the heads of the others, primarily Jaspers.

"Your right. I don't know what she could be but her scent truly is different." Jasper said trying to think of what his mate could be. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter thought it would be interesting to see a little bit of the aftermath of what happened to each of the families after the accident.

The Major's Mate (Jasper Hale)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن