4 - 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙳𝚊𝚢

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After lunch was over Adeline made her way over to her trigonometry class with the help of Eric. He was nice and Adeline appreciated his help although part of her wished it was Jasper and she didn't know why. It was confusing to her.

When she and Eric walked into class Eric greeted the teacher and then went to his usual spot. Adeline stayed up at the front of the room to greet the teacher and to find out where she was sitting. "You can sit by Miss Hale, Rosalie please raise your hand," Mrs. Fairway said. When Adeline looked around the room for the hand that was raised she saw a beautiful woman. She had the same blonde hair, pale skin, and strange but beautiful golden eyes as Jasper. She was gorgeous.

Rosalie smiled sweetly at the girl as she made her way over to her. She understood what Jasper meant by her scent and how her blood was different from the others. It was certainly something they never encountered and it brought up the question of Is she even human. Adeline then sat down smiling back at Rosalie, the class had not yet started and Adeline wanted to talk to her.

"Hi, I'm Adeline Sinclair, and I must say you are stunning" If Rosalie could blush she probably would have. It wasn't unlike humans to compliment her but this one was different because Jasper was interested in the girl and she gave good compliments. She must know what it's like to have compliments thrown at her to give such good ones. Adeline seemed nice enough so she responded.

"Thank you, I think you have a few classes with my brother, Jasper. He was talking about how nice you are at lunch."

"Oh! That's why the last name sounds familiar!" Adeline said, completely ignoring the fact that Jasper was talking about her sweetness.

Rosalie smiled politely. Jasper was right; she truly was different. Her blood didn't appeal to her either unlike the other humans and yet her scent was floral like the wildflowers in fields they stumble upon when hunting, with notes of mint and vanilla just as Jasper described earlier but she picked up some other notes as well. She picked up semibold forestry notes like pine, the rain coming off the trees and the smell of the sun-kissed grass in the forest. She then remembered the conversation she was having with the human girl next to her. "Yes, Jasper and I are siblings''

"I noticed you dazed out for a minute, are you okay?"

"Oh yes, I'm fine just a bit of a daydreamer today"

"Okay," she shrugged it off assuming it was nothing. The bell to start class rang. Mrs. Fairway started the lesson they had for today which was mainly notes with a bunch of practice questions. Adeline had done surprisingly well on the practice questions and did a splendid job answering questions. Although she paid the smart kid to do her homework she was a smart girl and just didn't want to do homework, she understood the work just fine but she also had a reputation to uphold. The pretty popular girls don't do homework. At the end of class, Adeline and Saige had the same free period so they agreed to meet by their lockers. While Adeline was walking over to her locker she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and bumped into someone. It felt similar to the hand that she brushed against this morning. She looked up, "Omg! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." She said quickly. Jasper looked slightly down at her and smiled gently.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Where are you headed?"

"To meet Saige at our lockers," she paused, looking around slightly, "But everything looks so similar and I'm just a touch lost" she finished.

"I can take you there if you'd like," Jasper offered kindly.

"That would be helpful, thank you" she nodded and followed as Jasper led the way back to her locker. Saige had been there a little earlier because of her history class right next door to her lockers. Saige smiled sweetly at Jasper when she saw him walking Adeline over. When the duo arrived Adeline thanked Jasper. He lingered by the sisters in case they needed to go anywhere else without getting lost. "So," Saige piped up, "The three of us have the same free period. Jasper, would you mind taking us to the library?"

"It appears we do," Adeline observed. She was good at noticing the little things and was normally completely oblivious to the bigger more noticeable things. Despite her being the queen bee and often compared herself to Regina George, she was also a bit like Karen Smith. At least she could 'orange'.

"I wouldn't mind at all, Miss Saige" Jasper smiled at the girl kindly. He enjoyed how much energy Saige always had. The trio walked the way to the library again making small talk as they did on the way to lunch. When they got into the library they found some tables and chairs and sat down. Jasper was hesitant to sit with the girls but that hesitation went away when he saw Adeline and Saige smiling and gesturing for him to come over and sit with them. They enjoyed the rest of the class period as they talked about how their day has been and cracked a few jokes here and there.

Adeline and Saige managed to find their way to their Biology II class pretty easily. It worked out that the science hall was near the library. Like most of the other classes, Saige and Adeline were handed the assignment and filled in wherever. Biology II was the only class that thoroughly confused and frustrated both of the Sinclair sisters. They tried and tried, they went to after-school tutoring sessions and stayed after class sometimes still to avail. It still confused them and yet they managed to pass with a 78 pretty much all year. That confused them even more.

Adeline had been forced to sit next to Jessica Stanley, whom she had met at lunch. She didn't particularly enjoy her presence due to her desperately wanting to be the queen of the pathetic high school. Adeline had lived as the queen and it was nice for a while but then it got old and toxic she wanted to be normal again. The class went by better than expected, the Sinclair sisters managed to finish the assignment a little bit before the bell rang. Normally they turned things in late by a day trying to understand the confusion of it all.

After Biology ended the sisters walked with Jessica to the gym. They never really had to do much in gym class. At the minimum, they had to be in class. The gym coach had a small arrangement of volleyballs and basketballs set out for the students to use. Saige and Adeline decided against playing with the basketballs and volleyballs for today. They spent the entire period talking and laughing while sitting on the bleachers. The day ended and the sisters walked over to their lockers to collect their things and head home.

When they got home and walked on the door the girls saw a familiar fluffy face sitting on the couch. "BUTTONS!" Adeline shouted in excitement, throwing her bag elsewhere and running to the cat. She scooped up the creature and started drowning it in cuddles and kisses while telling her how beautiful and amazing she is. Adeline hadn't seen Buttons in over a week, she missed her cat a lot. Saige trailed behind Adeline trying to get a view of the cat in Adelines arms.

"Addie, quit drowning her in kisses. I would like to see her too" Saige said. Adeline looked up from the cat to look at her, she shook her head and said "Nope absolutely not, I'm not sharing" Buttons was chirping happily as Adeline scratched her cheek and ears. Adeline walked up the stairs to her room and set down the cat on her bed. Adeline finished up the rest of the evening doing the little homework she has, eating dinner, and reading in her window room. She enjoyed the view and Buttons loved it when a bird or bug would flutter past the window. Adeline enjoyed the peace of the scenery and the sounds of the light rain tapping against the windows.

A/N: The cat above is Buttons

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A/N: The cat above is Buttons. My IRL cat, I love her too much to not include her. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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