Regulus said that there was dark times coming. That people who wanted Jamie's power will be after him if they discover it. All he could think about was protecting Draco, the boy did not deserve to be dragged into a mess that didn't affect him.

     But it was a false alarm. Soon Sirius and Harry broke through the thick line of people and entered Jamie's line of vision, they were squealing as they pushed people out of their way, their eyes sweeping left and right in search of something or someone. Harry saw Jamie first and took off in a sprint, Sirius blinked in surprise before blindly following after his godson.

      "Sirius got us tickets!" The boy rushed. His face was pink as he tried to catch his breath.

     "That's what you two were screaming about?" Jamie demanded as Sirius caught up. He was hunching over, hands resting on his knees as he panted. "I thought something was wrong."

     Harry straightened up and smiled bashfully at Jamie's tone. "Er, sorry." But he wasn't that sorry because soon he was bouncing in his shoes once more, a wide grin on his face. "But he got us tickets!"

     "Tickets for what?" Draco asked.

     "The Quidditch world cup!" His green eyes sparkled.

     Draco immediately lightened up and looked to Sirius, who was now desperately trying to fix his windblown hair. "What seats did you get us?"

     "Top box!" He said proudly and gave up on trying to fix his hair. He suddenly noticed something and frowned as he spun around. "Where's Mooney?"

     "He and I made care packages for the werewolves that showed up. He sent out a message to the villages and invited them here." Jamie said.

     "Care packages?" Sirius frowned in confusion. "When did you guys make them?"

     "Yesterday afternoon. It kind of spurred on me last minute."

     Sirius smiled softly and patted his son's shoulder. "I'm so proud of you. Changing the world in ways I thought impossible when I was your age."

      Jamie sniffed and looked away. He didn't want his father to see his eyes starting to water. Sirius seemed to understand and changed the subject.

     "Let's find Mooney, I want to tell him the good news!"

     The days leading up to the Cup everyone was excited. It was a Quidditch loving household. The three kids obviously enjoyed the sport, they were members of their House team. Harry and Draco both seekers and Jamie a chaser. And of course in Sirius' school years he was a beater. Remus did not play for his House team, but he still loved the sport. He actually was the Quidditch announcer his fifth and sixth year; he almost lost that position multiple times due to some not so nice words when other teams cheated.

     Jamie was the first one awake on the day they would be leaving. Well, technically, he never went to sleep to begin with. His session with Regulus had dragged on and by the time they were done, it was four in the morning. The man was panicking because school was about to start back up, then their training would be put on pause. Regulus had made the comment about training at Hogswarts so the lessons didn't have to stop, but Jamie brushed it off because that idea was crazy. How would Regulus even get in?

    So he made himself some coffee and took a long shower. Once the sun started to rise he set about making breakfast and drinking another cup of coffee. Soon the cottage was full of savory aromas and Remus stumbled in. The man was still in his pajamas, which was a gryffindor set Sirius got him after realizing the man hardly had any clothes to begin with.

     The two didn't speak, Jamie simply handed the man his preferred mug (Remus always used this mug he noticed but wasn't sure why), and the man nodded in thanks as he poured himself a full mug of chocolate milk. Remus hoisted himself up on the counter, his long legs allowing his socked feet to graze the floor when he swung his legs. It was a comfortable silence shared between them and Jamie felt a weird feeling wash over him. A feeling of realization.

     He was safe. Draco was safe. Harry was safe. And they were all together, under the watch of his loving and caring father and the best DADA teacher Hogswarts has ever seen. They were home. Jamie never thought he'd have a home, a true home. But here he was, with people who made him happy.

     Everything was looking up for them. He felt as if nothing bad would ever happen again, that they would all live a happy life. And the Cup only intensified that feeling. . . But he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Life never allowed him to stay happy for long. Which meant something had to be waiting for him around the corner.

     Once Remus finished his chocolate milk he sat his mug down and jumped down. "I'll wake the kids."

     "Goodluck." He said with the thought of Sirius. That man slept like a rock and was hard to wake.

     Breakfast did not last long, the tired faces soon perked up at the prospect of the Cup and everyone was shoveling down their food as if that would make time go by faster. Although it didn't matter how fast they ate, they couldn't leave until a certain time anyways. They will be taking a portkey to the camp grounds that surround the arena. The portkey wasn't far from them but it only worked on a designated time (Sirius had wanted to fly on their broomsticks but Remus forbid it due to their equipment they would be carrying).

     Sirius tried to pass the time by pacing, his green cloak fluttered around him gracefully. He was wearing green in support of Ireland, the team Remus was obsessed with. Jamie knew Sirius was actually a fan of Bulgaria but he did not dare speak this aloud. No one came between Remus Lupin and his Quidditch. No one. Harry was sat on the couch, leaning against the back as he watched Sirius walk in circles, the boy seemed easily entertained. Draco was on the floor next to the couch double checking his bag as Jamie had suggested. Remus was. . . Well, Jamie actually didn't know where he was. He had disappeared quite a bit ago.

     When time to leave actually came Remus reappeared ordered everyone to the front door and then off they went.

     Their portkey took the form of an old tattered book. It's leather cover long faded and torn around the edges, the pages on the inside were water and dirt stained, no words were present; not even on the spine of the book. It was perfect, no sane muggle would dare keep the weather beaten book.

     With the book in his hands Jamie held it out and everyone circled around the object, each laying a finger on it as instructed by Remus.

     He should be happy. He should be excited. He was about to watch his favorite sport with his family and the Weasleys. They also had gotten seats in the top box. He would soon be seeing Ron. . . Ron always made him feel happy without the other boy even trying. . . But despite all that an unsettling feeling bubbled in his stomach. Something was wrong. Something bad was going to happen soon.

     He thought about what Regulus said, about how they could sense energy with their abilities. They could feel negative intentions being set. . . Something was going to happen.

     "Are you okay?"

     He looked glanced up to see Sirius watching him, his eyebrows drawn together and eyes swam with concern.

     "Just trying to remember if I forgot anything." Jamie replied with a small smile.

     He didn't want to ruin everyone's happiness. They were all so excited. . . He couldn't take that away from them. They deserved to be happy after everything that has happened to them. Right now he is surrounded by people who fate has screwed over time and time again. He couldn't help but feel as if he needed to protect them all from fate once more.

     "Well it's too late now." Remus hummed. He was watching Harry's watch to monitor the time. "In three. . . Two. . . One. . ."

     Jamie's feet left the ground as his whole body lurched upward. Wind howled in his ears and made his eyes water. Through the cold tears he could see everything as a large colorful blur.

     Nothing was going to stop his family from being happy. He was going to make sure of that.


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