A Rogue Vampires

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Hiba p.o.v

I hate them. Vampires. They took everything from me. From us. In the great war between human and vampires.

Vampires won and humans were kicked out of their homes. Used as blood bags. Or as services.

Vampires did give other humans a place to stay. Food and water. Out of generosity as they say.

Me and my family and some other people were trying to get to one of the humans camps. But on our way some rogue vampires stopped us. I still remember the day like it was yesterday. The day that I lost my family. They sucked every one's blood to death. My mother, my father, and my brother. I was frozen in my place. When it was my turn to be killed. I run away. I will not die not now at least. The other vampires chased after me, i saw a tiny cave between the trees, i couldn't run any longer so I hopped in it

I could hear them walking, I held my breath as tears runs out of my eyes.

"Where did she go?!" One of them shouted.

"I don't know but her smell is in this place... God her smell is so delicious, I'll do anything just to have a taste" the other said getting closer and closer to the cave

Suddenly someone shouted. "hey! What are you doing here?! This is the queen's land. And you are especially not welcome here"

"Jess, come on lady we were only having fun, no need to get so angry" the other said

"I swear if you don't get out from this land we're going to tear you to pieces"

"Okay, okay we're going... What a b*tch you are" the footsteps suddenly disappeared

" Hey, you can come out from there now, I know it's not comfortable in there, it's okay they are gone now, come out please" the voice was feminine and gentle but I couldn't let my guard down

She sighed "your back is going to hurt if you stay there, you know"

A sudden smell hit my nose, it was a cookie!

"If I give you a cookie will you come out?" Wait why is she even asking to come out, She could just drag me out and then kill me. This is weird

But I was going to die anyway and she has cookies so..

I stuck my head out of the tiny cave, and my eyes met her brown one. She is so beautiful

"There you are. You want this?" She handed me the cookie

And I immediately start eating it. God I was so hungry.

"Slow down little one you might choke.. Where is your family right now?"

I suddenly stopped what I was doing. My family where are my family. My family is dead.

Tears made their way out and down my face "my family are gone" I sobbed

" I'm so sorry" she said rubbing my arm, I wince moving a little from her

"It's all because of you! It's all because of your people my family are dead!!"

"I am really really sorry little one. No one deserves to go through the pain of lost. But you have to let me help you. If you stay here those savages will come to get you"

"I don't care! Leave me alone"

"Come on please I know you don't want to die. And I also know that you like cookies I'll give you a lot of them if you come with me"

she pulled out a bag of cookies and I couldn't help staring at it. I haven't put anything in my stomach except water for the past couple of days.

"I like cookies" she smiled "but I don't like you" her smile dropped

"Will then I think I have to eat this big bag of cookies on my one. Good bye little one I hope you survive these vampires attacks" she gets up

Wait if she really was that bad she would have dragged me if she wants me. And she's leaving me to those savages!

"Wait! No please don't leave me!"

"Why is that" she turns around and look me in the eyes

"Because I don't want to die!... And I want that cookies.. please"

She smiled and bend down giving me the cookies bag

"Oh goodness, Where are my manners. My name is sara it's nice to meet you.." she pulled out her hand for me

"I'm hiba" I hesitated at first but then shook her hand

"Nice meeting you hiba" I just nodded my head

"Now. Let's take you to somewhere safe"


Fangs And Pureness. (Age Regression)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon