The Library

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*third person p.o.v*

Hiba had been working in the castle for several weeks, but she still felt like there was so much she didn't know. During one of her breaks, she decided to take a tour of the castle to explore and see what she could discover.

As she walked through the halls of the castle , Hiba noticed a faint light coming from an open doorway. Curiosity got the better of her, she approached the doorway and peered inside. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight before her. a large library, filled with row upon row of towering bookshelves.

Heart racing with excitement, Hiba stepped inside and made her way towards the nearest bookshelf. As she ran her fingers over the spines of the books, her eyes fell upon a thick book with a faded cover. The title read "Age Regression"

Hiba felt a pang of confusion as she read the title. What did "age regression" even mean? Confused, she flipped open the book and began to read.

As she read, Hiba learned that "age regression" referred to a practice where adults would intentionally act like children, either to relive happy memories from their youth or to escape the stresses of their adult lives. The book contained tips and tricks for how to engage in age regression, as well as stories from people who had tried it and found it helpful.

Lost in thought, Hiba was startled when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see the queen's sister, Sarah, standing in the doorway.

"Hello there" sara said smiling

"What are you reading?" She asked curiously.

Hiba suddenly realised that she shouldn't be here, "I'm sorry sara, I shouldn't have come here without asking" Hiba said nervously.

Sara only smiled "do not worry darling, I don't mind. But if perla found out that someone was here without permission, she would be really mad, but I'm sure she would not mind you being here" sara smirked and the young human

"Now, show me what you got there"

Hiba held up the book so that Sarah could see the cover. "It's about age regression," she explained. "I've never heard of it before."

Sarah nodded knowingly. "It's an interesting subject. I don't know about humans but, some vampires enjoy regressing to a younger age to relive happy memories or to escape the stresses of their lives. But for people who have never heard of it, it might sound a bit strange."

Hiba nodded, feeling grateful for Sarah's explanation. She closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. As much as she was curious about age regression, she couldn't see herself trying it out.

"Thanks for explaining it to me," Hiba said to Sarah. "It's fascinating to learn about the different ways people cope with stress and difficult emotions."

Sarah smiled. "Yes, it is. The vampire community has its own unique ways of dealing with these things, but it's always interesting to learn about new things ."

Hiba nodded in agreement. As she turned to leave the library, she couldn't help but wonder what other unique things the vampire kingdom held. But for now, she was happy to have learned something new to talk with Zahra about, other than Zahra complaining about how dumb lady Lena is.

As Hiba stepped out of the library, she felt a sense of excitement and wonder. The world was full of so many fascinating things, and she felt like she had only scratched the surface of what there was to learn.

She walked down the stairs, lost in thought, until she came across a small antique room, the door was open so she could easily see everything from where she was standing. The room's shelves were filled with all sorts of strange and unusual objects, from old books to weird lamps to ancient-looking artifacts.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Hiba stepped inside. The shop was messy and a little dusty, but filled with all sorts of treasures. Hiba wandered through the aisles, picking up old books and examining them closely.

As she turned a corner, she bumped into a tall, imposing figure. She looked up to see that It was a vampire, with pale skin and piercing blue eyes.

"Sorry," Hiba stammered, taking a step back. "I didn't mean to intrude."

The vampire smiled, revealing his sharp fangs. "No need to apologize, my dear. You are welcome here."

Hiba took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She had never been this close to a male vampire before. They look really scary.

"Is there anything you're looking for in particular?" the vampire asked, looking to the shelves around them.

Hiba shook her head. "No, I'm just browsing. But I'm curious - what do vampires do for fun? I mean, besides reading books and antiquing."

The vampire chuckled. "We have many interests and hobbies, little lady, just like anyone else. Some of us enjoy music, others art. And of course, there's always the thrill of drinking blood."

Hiba frowned. "Drinking blood?"

The vampire shrugged. "It's in our nature, I'm afraid. We need blood to survive, and it is something we can not control I'm afraid."

Hiba shuddered. She had heard and saw vampires drinking humans blood, but she haven't thought about it. ever sense Queen perla made her work here she didn't think to much about it, but what if some vampire tried to drained her, she had heard that humans are treated very well here, some of them are even given their blood willingly. Even though, that didn't stop her from worrying.

As if sensing her discomfort, the vampire smiled again. "But don't worry, my dear. I have no interest in harming you. In fact, I find you quite fascinating. Would you like to join me for a cup of tea?"

Hiba hesitated, unsure of what to do. But something in the vampire's eyes told her that he meant her no harm.

"Okay," she finally said. "I'd like that."


First time doing third person pov. Hope you like it. And thank you soo much for 20k view<33

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