The Ocean

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*hiba p.o.v*

I woke up again by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to find Lena staring down at me with a stupid grin on her face. "What" I asked yawning. "Are you seriously sleeping right now, you're here to have fun!" She said take my blanket away from me.

"Noo, I wanna sleep, let me go" I whined trying to ger away from Lena and her meanie self, "too bad".

So after Lena dragged me by my legs outside the cabin, I gave in and started walking with her, hand in hand. We giggled as we made our way across the ship, the wind blowing through our hair. Suddenly, Lena took off running, pulling me along with her.

"Lena! I swear if she falls because of you, I'm gonna throw out and into the water!" I heard Sara's angry voice shout from behind us. I laughed as Lena continued to pull me along, feeling the excitement of the adventure ahead.

As Lena and I were walking through the ship, we suddenly bumped into Quee Perla. "Hey girls, what are you up to?" Queen Perla asked with a smile. Lena quickly replied, "We were just exploring the ship, Perla." Queen Perla nodded her head, she then turned to me and said, "Hiba, I have something to show you."

Queen Perla took me by the hand and led me to the stern of the ship. As we walked, the salty sea breeze brushed against our faces and I could hear the sound of waves crashing against the side of the ship.

When we reached the small wooden deck, Queen Perla gestured towards the vast expanse of the ocean before us. "Here it is," she said, her voice soft and reverent. "The open sea. Isn't it breathtaking?"

I looked out at the seemingly endless horizon, the deep blue waters stretching out as far as the eye could see. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder.

Perla stood next to me, her hand resting gently on my shoulder. "I come here whenever I need to clear my mind," she said, her voice low and peaceful. "There's something about the sea that's both calming and invigorating at the same time."

I nodded in agreement, my eyes still fixed on the ocean. For a few moments, we stood in silence, watching as the waves rolled by. It was a moment of peace and tranquility, a chance to escape from the chaos and turmoil of the world and simply be in the moment.

"Is the ocean still scares you?" Queen Perla's voice cut through the silence, I turned my head to look at her, she was standing right behind, I almost bumped into her breasts, and did I mention that they were huge? Anyway...

I looked up at her, "The ocean is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, but I'm still terrified of the idea of being lost in it, or worst getting eaten by a shark" I said looking down at my hands.

"aww don't worry baby, I won't let anything eat you" she cooed softly, looking down at me before whispering something under her breath.

"But I might eat you"

"huh?" I asked.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught my eye, and I looked down to see a group of dolphins swimming gracefully beneath the ship.

My eyes widened in wonder and excitement as I watched the dolphins playfully jumping and diving in and out of the waves. "Look, Perla! Dolphins!" I exclaimed, pointing excitedly at the water below. I don't know why but right now it felt natural to call her but her first name.

She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Yes, they're beautiful, aren't they?" she said, her voice filled with wonder.

"They're so beautiful," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Perla nodded in agreement. "Yes, they are. Dolphins are known for their intelligence and playfulness." I nodded my head, still looking down at the dolphins, jumping in and out of the water.

"Yeah, they are really cute, they also abuse and gang rape their own mates, kill their children and other species children for fun, and they also kill other harmless creatures for no reason", I looked behind me to find Sara looking down at the dolphins with disgust in her eyes.

"Sara!" Perla yelled at her sister angrily. Sara just shrugged saying "I'm only telling the truth sis"

"Well, the truth could have waited" Perla sighed, rubbing her temple. I was still trying comprehend what Sara had just said. I know every animal had a dark side, but not dolphins!

Perla turned to me with a smile, I could see that she was trying to hide her annoyance with Sara. "now sweetie, How about we go have lunch together, hm?" she suggested. "I know just the place. They serve the best seafood without Interruption." She said, glaring at Sara. I giggled at Sara's scared look.

We made our way to a beautiful outdoor restaurant on the ship's upper deck, with breathtaking views of the sea all around us. The tables were decorated with elegant white tablecloths and vibrant floral centerpieces, adding to the already stunning atmosphere.

Perla pulled out a chair for me and then sat down across from me. She smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I hope you're enjoying your time on the ship, Hiba."

I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. "Yes, it's been incredible so far. Thank you for bringing me along."

Perla chuckled. "It's my pleasure. I'm glad you're having a good time." She glanced down at the menu in front of us. "So, what do you want to eat baby?"

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