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*Hiba's P.O.V*

As I walked through the halls, the presence of the guards following me was a constant reminder that I was being watched. Their stern faces and vigilant eyes never left my sight, ensuring my safety at all times. However, as I wandered deeper into the palace, I began to notice that the number of guards dwindled until eventually, I found myself alone.

Confusion filled my mind as I glanced around, realizing that no one was by my side. My heart started to race, and a tinge of fear crept into my thoughts. Where had the guards gone? Why was I left all alone?

Just as anxiety threatened to consume me, I spotted a familiar figure in the distance. It was Pearl, my cat. But that couldn't be right. I had left Pearl behind at the castle with my bird Zarqa. Confusion took over my mind, and my curiosity got the better of me. I decided to follow Pearl, hoping to find some answers.

With each step I took, the air grew heavy. The halls seemed to stretch endlessly, leading me deeper into the heart of the palace. My footsteps echoed softly, the sound reverberating through the silence.

Finally, Pearl led me to a grand room. As I turned a corner, the doors to a lavish room swung open. Without hesitation, I entered, only for the doors to close behind me with a loud thud.

Startled, my eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape. To my surprise, Pearl was nowhere to be seen. It was then that I heard a voice, chilling and alluring, echoing through the room.

"Hello, little one."

Startled, I looked up, and there she was—Fidelma. Her presence sent shivers down my spine, her red eyes gleaming with an unsettling glint. A wicked smile played upon her lips as she regarded me with a mixture of curiosity and something more sinister.

Confusion and fear coursed through my veins, I stared at Fidelma, my heart pounding in my chest as she drew closer and closer. Panic surged through me, urging me to run, but my legs refused to obey. I couldn't move my own body. Tears streamed down my face, a desperate plea for escape. Fidelma stood before me.

"aw, do not cry, sweetheart," she cooed softly, "did you miss me that much?", She got closer, I whimpered, my trembling body yearning to break free, but I remained trapped, powerless against her enchantment. Fidelma extended her hand, ready to touch my tear-stained face.

Just as her fingertips were about to make contact, a voice resonated from beyond the closed doors, shattering the suffocating silence.

"Fidelma! Let her go this instant!"

The doors swung open with a forceful bang, and Perla stormed into the room, radiating strength and determination. The air crackled with tension as she confronted Fidelma, her eyes blazing with fury.

Perla stood tall, shielding me from Fidelma's menacing presence. Her posture exuded strength, her eyes filled with anger. I tried to clung to her arm, seeking comfort in her presence.

Fidelma, refusing to back down, wore a sly smirk, her eyes brimming with malice. She closed the distance between us, her voice dripping with venom.

"Perla, always the loyal one. But it seems it's too late. This little darling has already decided who she wants to stay with," Fidelma's words sliced through the air like a sharp blade, her gaze fixing on me as I tried to hide behind Perla. "Isn't that right, Hiba?"

I desperately fought against the invisible force compelling me, but my body trembled, and I found myself nodding in agreement, that made Fidelma smile. My heart sank as I realized I was unable to resist Fidelma's influence. I tried to move again but something was keeping me still.

"Fidelma, stop using your powers on her! She can't handle it!" Perla's voice boomed with a mixture of concern and anger.

Fidelma couldn't contain her demonic laughter. "Oh, Perla, always so foolish. Can't you see? Hiba doesn't need you," she taunted, taking another step forward. "She needs me, a true caretaker. Not a weak bitch like you, who could not even protect Hiba's family. How do you expect to protect her?"

Perla's face twisted with fury, her fists clenched at her sides. She lunged forward,  The room erupted into chaos as the clash between their powers began.

Perla, fueled by an inner fire, matched Fidelma blow for blow. Her movements were graceful yet fierce, deflecting Fidelma's attacks with calculated precision.

The battle between Perla and Fidelma raged on. Perla moved swiftly, deflecting Fidelma's attacks with skill and precision. Fidelma, fueled by dark energy, launched relentless strikes, but Perla matched her blow for blow.

Their powers clashed, creating a dazzling display of light and energy. Perla's agility and defensive maneuvers kept her safe, while Fidelma resorted to underhanded tactics, attempting to ensnare Perla with dark tendrils.

As the intensity grew, beams of light and dark energy crisscrossed the room, leaving destruction in their wake. Perla's determination shone in her eyes as she pushed forward, dismantling Fidelma's defenses with each strike.

Fidelma, growing desperate, summoned illusions to confuse Perla. But Perla's instincts allowed her to recognize the real Fidelma from the duplicates, pressing on undeterred.

Finally, in a final act of defiance, Perla unleashed a surge of power, overwhelming Fidelma's defenses. Fidelma stumbled back, looking weak and tired. She then looked at Perla with nothing but hatred in her eyes,

"Mark my words, Perla, This is far from over, Hiba will be mine. You cannot protect her forever."

Perla's resolve remained unshaken as she met Fidelma's gaze. "As long as I exist in this world, I will shield her from the darkness you embody."

With a sinister smile, Fidelma's form then vanished into nothingness. leaving only an eerie silence in the room.


After the intense battle, Hiba slumped to the ground, weakened by the effects of Fidelma's powers. Perla rushed to her side, gathering her gently in her arms, holding her tightly against her chest.

Perla's eyes were filled with worry as she cradled Hiba's fragile form. She pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, gently whispering comforting words into her ear. Hiba's breathing was uneven, her body trembling from the aftermath of the encounter.

"It's alright, Hiba. I'm here now. You're safe," Perla murmured, her voice filled with tender concern. She rocked Hiba back and forth, trying to provide comfort in the midst of the chaos.

Hiba's eyelids fluttered, her gaze weakly meeting Perla's. A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips, grateful for Perla's presence. She weakly reached out, her hand grasping Perla's, seeking the reassurance of their connection.

"I... I'm sorry," Hiba whispered, her voice barely audible. Perla shook her head gently, brushing a strand of hair away from Hiba's face.

"There's nothing to apologize for, my darling. You were under Fidelma's spell. It wasn't your fault, sweetheart," Perla assured her, her voice filled with tenderness. She held Hiba closer, wrapping her in a warm embrace.

Hello everyone! So sorry for the late update, I was really busy being lazy- Ahm, anyway, thank you sooo much for the support, it was really hard writing this chapter, so hope you enjoyed it:)

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