The Castle

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Hiba p.o.v

We were setting in the car in an awkward silence, it's been an hour since she was driving and the building started to appear.

I must say I never knew some building can be that long. I spent my whole life moving between shelters trying to hide myself from these creatures. And here I am. Setting in a car with one of them.

She then break the silence be saying " so hiba, how old are you?" She asked

"Why are you asking me that.. Shouldn't you ask me about my blood type first" I said, she chuckled

"I am just curious, and I have already told you that's it is your choice to be a blood bag or not" I looked at her

"Vampires could never be trusted". I then turned my face to the window again. I could hear her sigh

"You know, not all vampires are bad as you think they are" she said

"Maybe, but as far as I know. The last vampire I've met killed my entire family for their blood, what a nice people they are" I said then looked at her

" They are animals, hiba, your people are not the only people who got hurt because of them. They had break every single law the queen had put"

"And why isn't the "queen" doing anything about it?" I asked "she doesn't know yet I was investigating the problem for her. And now I have the information that I need, I'm getting back to the castle"

"Now, are you going to tell me your age or should I guess?". "You guess" I told her

"Hmmm, 16?" Is she kidding "16 my ass. do I look like 16 to you?"


I glared at her. How dare she! She laughed at my reaction "sorry, I'm really not good at guessing. Can you tell me how old are you please, pretty please" is she begging me?, A vampire begging?

"18" she smiled "was that so hard?".

I then spotted something, a building, but not like any other building we are so far away from this building but I can still see it. My goodness

"Hey?, What is that?" I asked, shocked. she looked at me confused, she then looked at the direction I was pointing at

"That is the castle, hiba" she explained "you mean THE castle?", "Yes, THE castle" she laughed

"How long will it take to get there?", "Half an hour"

Half an hour passed. We have finally arrived. God I'm so tired, but I'll never tell her that.

She got of the car and open the car's door for me. She started walking and I followed her like a lost puppy

We arrive at very large doors. It was surrounded by four vampire guards

They opened the door for us. "It's a pleasure to have you back miss sara". one of them said. "thank you". she responded coldly

She then turned to face me. "let's get you to your room hiba. You must be tired after all. Tomorrow I will talk to the queen about your situation and see what we can do"

"Okay" I responded. "Your room will be upstairs, cause we do not have any room available at this moment. Now follow me" she took me up the stairs.

"This will be your room from now on " she opened the room's door

And the room was very very nice.this room has a bed, closet and a bathroom. simple things that I've never got the chance to enjoy. The shelters always gave me and my family one room to stay at

"So, what do you think? You like it?" She asked. Is that even a question. of course I do!

"It's really nice. Thank you.. miss".
"Oh please just call me sara". I looked at her "thank you Sara.. for everything"

"No problem my dear. Now. Go rest you can take a bath tomorrow when you woke up. There is clothes in the closet. You can use them" she said gently

"Okay. Thank you".

"Of course. Now. I believe we both need some rest. Have a good night hiba". "Night.." she walk if the room

I turned around and walked to the bed. I sat on it. God. It was so soft. I laid my head on the pillow. It's like putting my head on a fluffy cloud

And before I know it. I was already asleep


Thank you so much for the support I really appreciate it ❤️❤️
And good night everyone 💖😊

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